3am call from fake 632 area code number

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
My phone rang at around 3am last night, waking me up rather rudely. *69 revealed the number as 632-857-6400. I looked at the list of North American area codes, and could not find that area code in the list.

I did a Google for "632 area code". This is what I found:


I thought that I might have gotten a call from a call centre in the Philippines, or somebody managed to spoof their number as 632-857-6400, calling me with it.

However, according to my sysadmin friend, *69 should have said "0 11 63 2....". It instead said "632 857 6400".

I called the number, and the call wouldn't complete.

This is very creepy. I'm turning off all my phones tonight.

The phone is so primitive. The idea that anybody in the world can wake me up in the middle of the night is totally unacceptable.

I want to be able to set up a whitelist of phone numbers if the number isn't on my whitelist, the phone doesn't ring.

Is there any legal way to do this?


  • Reply 1 of 1

    umm....yeah Cowboy...guess what, America is not the only country in the world and people may accidentally dial your number.  Have you ever accidentally dial a number you didn't mean to call?  It looks like it was an international call dialed to you by mistake. 


    You may be able to ask your provider if you can block incoming international calls, or you can simply block that number if it bothers you that much.


    If you find the phone "primitive" then disconnect it, since nobody is obligated to have one.



    Sorry but your comment is typical american self center, me first, the rest of the world is non-essential attitude that makes the rest of us look aweful



    :( :(

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