OMG! (What is this madness??!) Remenants of Apple's old website

in General Discussion edited January 2014

I was referred to this page by facebook to download the newest version of iTunes.




  • Reply 1 of 11
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 2 of 11
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Weird. If you navigate to the "download iTunes 7" page, you get nearly the identical page but with the new gray button bar at the top instead of the aqua tabs.

    You would have thought that, as long as they were over there, they would have also hit the "thank you" page.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Haha... Apple apparently didn't update every page yet. Their Open Source page has the new toolbar but it looks really old in comparison to the rest of the site.


    All the darwin pages i go to are so old. Its like apple just doesnt care about darwin anymore. They also shut down open darwin and not its alot harder to build the source.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 5 of 11
    g_warreng_warren Posts: 713member
    Us poor UK folks still get the boring old website too. Seems like someone is being a bit lazy this week - store updates etc are normally simultaneous.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Most American Mac users probably aren't aware they are the only country with the new design.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post



    Yes, that is a link to the page with the sources i was refering to.


    The buildable sources are available at

    you still have to build the sources. That is where darwin build came in. Darwin build came from which was supported by apple. Then got closed. How much does it cost to just keep a webpage up even if it is never updated again!!!!

    I wanted darwin build. BTW dont try posting a link the GNU page with a darwin cd image download as it is not the current version.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 9 of 11
    macmediamacmedia Posts: 152member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    I was referred to this page by facebook to download the newest version of iTunes.



    Umm, how about these pages! Looks like the Stone Age. Welcome to the Wayback Machine Sherman!

    1997 stie

    Original iBook

    Search all Apple
  • Reply 10 of 11
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Macmedia View Post

    Umm, how about these pages! Looks like the Stone Age. Welcome to the Wayback Machine Sherman!

    1997 stie

    Original iBook

    Search all Apple

    Wow, great links. That first 97 site looks like a sweet little mom and pop store, compared to now, doesn't it?

    Clicking through to the store on the iBook page-- $1600 base for that guy! I had forgotten.....
  • Reply 11 of 11

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