iPhone & Japanese Operators

in iPhone edited January 2014
As a complement to the European carrier[1] thread what Japanese operator do you think will get the iPhone?

Au/KDDI is out as their network doesn't use UMTS (3G. Both NTT DoCoMo and SoftBank Mobile use the same 2100 MHz UMTS as Europe).

SoftBank Mobile is probably more willing to deal given their lower market share.

NTT has the better network and would get the iPhone out to more people being the biggest of the operators, but would demand e-cash (it's a big push by them) and perhaps mobile TV[2].

SoftBank Mobile, on the other hand, would only ask for e-cash and mobile TV.

NTT is the better choice, but it depends on Apple. If they're as difficult to deal with as the Europeans are saying they well be stuck with SoftBank.

Anyone else?

[1] They really hugely hate being called carriers, by the way, outside of North America.

[2] You need UMTS 3G for the Japanese market anyway, since they don't have GSM, and I think iPhone revision B will also have GPS.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    Bump. I at least expected Bergermeister to comment .
  • Reply 2 of 6
    kaiciankaician Posts: 8member
    There should be no doubt that softbank will be the japanese carrier for any iphones. Not only do they already have the a payment setup which would be closest to what apple wants (pretty much like a loan type of thing, but people see the actual price of the phone when they get it now, like $700 etc...), they already bundle nanos with your phone if you want it, and the last one, the softbank president was at the announcement of the iphone in the US. If softbank doesn't get it, i would be one hell of a surprise....
  • Reply 3 of 6
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    Bump. I at least expected Bergermeister to comment .

    Gimme some time, gimme some time... I do have a job...

    My phone is from AU (company supplied ) so if you are right, then I'm out on the iPhone unless (as would be most probable) I would fork out the cash on my own.

    I still hope and think Apple will improve the iPhone to compete in the markets outside the US. I mean, really, the world should not be expected to lower itself to American standards in communication. I think we will see a 3G version of the iPhone in the not too distant future.

    Softbank was rumored a while back... there might be something there. Pray Apple doesn't go with NTT (they are a monopoly and they suck royally).
  • Reply 4 of 6
    Yeah, Au/KDDI uses EV-DO for their network, so unless Apple has a CDMA iPhone coming out anytime soon you're out of luck.

    Well of course the Japanese version requires 3G so they're stuck on that point (and good, because I shudder to think how long Apple would leave 3G out if they only worried about AT&T coverage), and I have some hope they'll bring it up to snuff on features if only in Japan as a testing ground they can trickle down into Europe/North America.

    I found this article from Australian IT. Pull quotes:

    NTT DoCoMo, Japan's largest mobile phone operator, will start offering unlimited wireless internet access for computers at a flat rate to prevent customers from defecting, according to chief executive Masao Nakamura.

    "I'm very interested" in partnering with Apple to offer the iPhone in Japan, Mr Nakamura said.

    Whether DoCoMo would be picked depended partly on Apple making the device work with the third-generation network.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Say it isn't so,

    Say say say it isn't so...
  • Reply 6 of 6
    nijiniji Posts: 288member
    docomo: yesterday jun 20 top guy at docomo was interviewed and he said they would love to have the iPhone on its network.

    softbank: softbank and yahoo jpn is owned by masayoshi son. with apple being googled, i wonder if yahoo is going to make it as a partner in japan. last year softbank was the rumored partner.

    anyone know googles' plans for japan?
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