Is my video card dying?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a Mac Pro 2.66 w/ a x1900xt. I'm running a 20 inch widescreen Samsung over DVI at native rez (1680x1050). I'm occasionally seeing rendering errors (fuzzy static) when it's drawing images. The problems are only really noticeable when I'm playing Unreal Tournament, and once in a blue moon when I open something in Preview. Closing and reopening solves the issue, but it inevitably returns. I'm running 10.4.9, and I may be short a security patch or two since May (when I left high-speed Internet at college). I also can't get the updated firmware to install for some reason.

I bought the machine last September (well, I ordered it late August, but it arrived late September), and I didn't get Applecare, since apparently I can still send it in for repairs for up to a year (so I want to get to the bottom of this)

Do you guys have any idea what I should do?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by ZachPruckowski View Post

    I have a Mac Pro 2.66 w/ a x1900xt. I'm running a 20 inch widescreen Samsung over DVI at native rez (1680x1050). I'm occasionally seeing rendering errors (fuzzy static) when it's drawing images. The problems are only really noticeable when I'm playing Unreal Tournament, and once in a blue moon when I open something in Preview. Closing and reopening solves the issue, but it inevitably returns. I'm running 10.4.9, and I may be short a security patch or two since May (when I left high-speed Internet at college). I also can't get the updated firmware to install for some reason.

    I bought the machine last September (well, I ordered it late August, but it arrived late September), and I didn't get Applecare, since apparently I can still send it in for repairs for up to a year (so I want to get to the bottom of this)

    Do you guys have any idea what I should do?

    Some people have noted graphics problems appearing due to bad cooling:

    If it's still under warranty, you should get it replaced but if you're ok opening it up, check to see if it's dusty and clean it out. You can also try experimenting with the SMC fan control software to see if increasing the fan speed gets rid of the artifacts.
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