Apple Tablet PC

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014,M1

This was found a while ago, but has mainly been forgotten. It's probably not just a concept, as many, many people are listed as inventors (Even Stevie J). When do you think they'll announce it?


  • Reply 1 of 8
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by damoblin View Post,M1

    This was found a while ago, but has mainly been forgotten. It's probably not just a concept, as many, many people are listed as inventors (Even Stevie J). When do you think they'll announce it?

    Not in the near future. Apple wouldn't have allowed the ModBook to be announced this year at MWSF if they had their own plans in the near pipeline.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I've been saying this here for a bit now. Tablets will be the new notebooks. Eventually Apple wont even make notebooks, OS X multi-touch has only cemented my belief in that theory. Who needs track-pads, mice or cursors when you can actually touch the software.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I've been saying this here for a bit now. Tablets will be the new notebooks. Eventually Apple wont even make notebooks, OS X multi-touch has only cemented my belief in that theory. Who needs track-pads, mice or cursors when you can actually touch the software.

    Ireland, you're a great guy but you REALLY need to chill about the multi-touch/anti-mouse and keyboard stuff. Will it be here eventually? Yes. But get a new hobby, because I used to enjoy reading your posts because they were intelligent and (seemingly) well thought out, but now they are just rants about the above-mentioned. I'm sorry, but somebody had to say it.\
  • Reply 4 of 8
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 5 of 8
    easyceasyc Posts: 69member
    Since people are speaking of the future I think the main thing right now is getting all of our electronic devices in a way that they can communicate and have things transfered from one device to another. Ever see the movie Anti-Trust? With the iphone running OS X and apple TV coming out how cool would it be to snag a movie off of my Apple TV with my iphone and have it play on my MBP while im traveling? Touch interface is a big part of the future but theres a few things that are going to get connected first before it takes over the market.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 7 of 8
    dazabritdazabrit Posts: 273member
    I think Ireland is pretty close (no fanboy wet dreams affecting my judgement here) so try not to give him too much of a hard time, poor fella

    I know the Keyboard and Mouse are pretty much irreplaceable right now but that's because we have absolutely nothing on the market to test against our current experience with these input methods (at this point). I'm sure there are some cool solutions for physical feedback in the labs. Maybe electric shocks from the screen?

    Plus as I mentioned in another thread... Apple has some pretty cool physical overlay patents hanging around. We just need to play the waiting game and see what their solution is because this appears to be the direction we are moving in and fast.

    Look at Leopard and all their navigation and graphics work appears to be pointing towards a Multi-Touch future. (Stacks, RI, CoverFlow, Spaces, Quick Look)

    It sure is interesting to watch the developments with this in mind.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    No, I agree that he is right and touch screen will be the future and stuff, but he has reiterated his point about 20 times in the last couple of weeks or so and it is getting kinda boring.
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