AT&T Service at their store.

in iPhone edited January 2014
I posted this on another board before realizing there was this board.

i hate to start my introduction to these boards in a bad way, but i just need to vent.

I have been reading Apple insider for over a year now and love every bit of it.

Unfortunately today I was horrified to receive such horrible service at my local AT&T store.

I drove to the small store around 7:00pm after getting off from work. I rushed over to be greeted by a looked door, and a very nice police officer that unlocked it and welcomed me in. i was then greeted by a very nice gentleman that asked me how he could help this evening.

I replied by asking if i could have a moment of his time to ask him some unanswered questions about the iPhone and AT&T's service contract. He told me "I'm sorry sir but i can not talk to you about it until you tell me you are ready to purchase the phone."

I was taken aback, but decided to push forward. I saw a rack of accessories on the wall and asked him if i might be able to look at them. He again said "sorry sir but you can not look around the store until you purchase and iPhone." I then asked him if i could test one out. still very nice to me he said "i apologize sir but we can not allow you to play with one until you purchase an iPhone."

I then asked him if i could read the terms and agreements contract. He then said " sir i can not allow you to read the contract until you but the phone, and you can go home and set up the phone on your computer and read the contract." i asked him what if i don't like the contract? He said "You can return it."

Now correct me if i'm wrong but i worked for apple for over a year and a half and if you return an opened item it is a 10% restocking fee? After getting my hopes up and running to the store to see the phone, i was turned away very upset that they refused to talk to me until i purchased one.

I love apple, and am a dedicated apple lover, but after this interaction with AT&T i am strongly changing my plans on purchasing the iPhone, as much as i want one i don't want to deal with the Horrible service at AT&T.

I was wondering if anyone else had this issue, or if it was just me. Sorry to start thing off on a bad note, and it's a shame the closest apple store to me is 2 hrs away and that i have to be to work early tomorrow.

Thanks everyone and i hope to see you all on the boards in the future.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    If you want to waste somebodies time like that on launch day, then you deserve rude treatment. The only people that should be there are the ones interested in buying the phone - do your research on the internet, not in the store on launch day.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    If you want to waste somebodies time like that on launch day, then you deserve rude treatment. The only people that should be there are the ones interested in buying the phone - do your research on the internet, not in the store on launch day.

    i did do my research i worked for apple and am on their website almost everyday, and on rumor sites every day, there is a lot i know about the phone, but not alot about AT&T and their contract for it. I also wanted to actually hold one in my hands before buying it, i don't think that is to much to ask, also there was no one in the store when i was their.

    At the apple store people are always happy to help answer question, but i guess at AT&T they only care about your money, at least this store did.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    If you want to waste somebodies time like that on launch day, then you deserve rude treatment. The only people that should be there are the ones interested in buying the phone - do your research on the internet, not in the store on launch day.

    Launch day or not, they shouldn't treat customers that way. It is not too much to ask to look at a $600 item before you buy it. No one deserves rude treatment from a business that is about to take your money.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    If you want to waste somebodies time like that on launch day, then you deserve rude treatment. The only people that should be there are the ones interested in buying the phone - do your research on the internet, not in the store on launch day.

    So you buy things that expensive without trying them out. That may work for you but most consumers like 'kick the tires' a little before jumping in.

    I went to my local ATT store and was allowed to play with the demo model. I'm going by again today to check it out.
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