Newest MBP screen ???

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Anyone have the latest rev of the MBP? How is the new LED backlight? Is it a lot brighter? Does the screen darken in areas as you change viewing angle?

I have a 15" rev. a MBP and have not been super satisfied with the screen ~ nowhere near as consistent in brightness as my old 17" powerbook.



  • Reply 1 of 3
    I have the new low end one, and the screen is... well... beautiful to say the least. I put it next to a friend of mine who has an older one, both with the same background, and his on full brightness was like mine at 80%. As for the viewing angle changes, I have the glossy screen so I do not know if this is solely related to it, but if I go to the left or right more than about 45º whites will start to look yellow-ish (I have checked and do not have the yellow backlight problem). But at this point, standard AI forum text starts to become unreadable too, so I do not think it is that bad. But my background picture which is a darker green-blue is fine until I am about 10º off the screen which I consider pretty amazing. All in all I would say get it because it is bright, cool running, consistently colored, and more power efficient. Also, the other hardware specs are nice and speedy (this will boot up in about 12 seconds or so).
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Best LCD screen I've ever seen. I have the matte (I just think glossy looks cheaper... meh) and the colors are amazing. I will say, even though, I too, do not have the yellow screen samsung problem, it does have a yellow-y tint at wider viewing angles. But, I don't know about you, I never view my computer from the side. I kinds like being in front of it. The brightness is insane. I had a PowerBook 15 before and its so so so much brighter. Also, no warm up time if its been display sleeping for a while. It's instant on.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by debenm View Post

    Anyone have the latest rev of the MBP? How is the new LED backlight? Is it a lot brighter? Does the screen darken in areas as you change viewing angle?

    I have a 15" rev. a MBP and have not been super satisfied with the screen ~ nowhere near as consistent in brightness as my old 17" powerbook.


    A review of the new LED screens here:
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