safari while callling??

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
so umm....its true that if your on EDGE surfing on safari that you CANNOT receive phone calls, i tried to call myself from a friends phone and parents phones but yup it does not go through

do you guys think this will be a software update fix? because that kinda sucks, i like to surf the net a lot and not receiving the important calls kind of halts me from using safari a lot while im on EDGE =/


  • Reply 1 of 3
    You can't fix it via software update as there's nothing to fix. EDGE as it is on the iPhone (Class B) simply does not work with both data and voice at the same time.

    That said Class A EDGE devices do allow voice/data usage at the same time, but I don't know of any Class A EDGE devices that don't also have a UMTS (3G) radio/chipset. I'm not sure why, though.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    ebaydan777ebaydan777 Posts: 269member
    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    You can't fix it via software update as there's nothing to fix. EDGE as it is on the iPhone (Class B) simply does not work with both data and voice at the same time.

    That said Class A EDGE devices do allow voice/data usage at the same time, but I don't know of any Class A EDGE devices that don't also have a UMTS (3G) radio/chipset. I'm not sure why, though.

    so what exactly does the sidekick use cause i was able to do both when i had the sk2??, iphone doesnt have the same feature?
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Sidekick is, apparently, a Class A EDGE device.

    However the voice/data problem only applies to actively sending data. If you're loading a page the call goes to voicemail, if the page is already loaded and no data is being sent the iPhone should take the call.
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