What cheap web sites are out there?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hey all, I am ready to convert the entire house to Apple, but was hoping to pick up some chap previous generations for various functions. Anyone have some good web sites out there that may be useful?


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    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,486moderator
    Originally Posted by Feartec View Post

    Hey all, I am ready to convert the entire house to Apple, but was hoping to pick up some chap previous generations for various functions. Anyone have some good web sites out there that may be useful?

    I wouldn't recommend going previous generation if you mean PPC. The G4s were much slower than the G5s and now Intel chips. The G5s are ok but they run hot and I doubt they'll be all that cheap.

    Also, as switchers, the Intels still give you a backup of being able to run Windows.

    Now if you are talking about getting older Intel models, you might want to check out the Apple refurb store where you still get a years warranty. They have the original Macbook pros that go for around £899, which is just above the price of a Macbook. The Minis aren't much cheaper but the iMacs are heavily discounted at times.
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