So I am not really three exclamation points worked up over this, but I do find it funny...
For years ?butthead? has been term of endearment I have used for my sister. (I am ?loser?). I am trying to buy her an iPod for her birthday and wanted to have ?Happy Birthday Butthead? engraved on the back. When I clicked ?add to cart? I got a message which says ?Inappropriate Message? and had to re-enter another message. For kicks I tried a number of other things.
I am the only who thinks its funny they allow ?U No Talent Ass-Clown? to be engraved on the back of a shuffle (as well as a number of seemingly more offensive terms which I?ll omit here), however ?Butthead? is out of bounds? I called the 800 number and the sales rep told me it was to limit liability. Huh?
For years ?butthead? has been term of endearment I have used for my sister. (I am ?loser?). I am trying to buy her an iPod for her birthday and wanted to have ?Happy Birthday Butthead? engraved on the back. When I clicked ?add to cart? I got a message which says ?Inappropriate Message? and had to re-enter another message. For kicks I tried a number of other things.
I am the only who thinks its funny they allow ?U No Talent Ass-Clown? to be engraved on the back of a shuffle (as well as a number of seemingly more offensive terms which I?ll omit here), however ?Butthead? is out of bounds? I called the 800 number and the sales rep told me it was to limit liability. Huh?
I called the 800 number and the sales rep told me it was to limit liability. Huh?
Are you not a lawyer? Straighten them out!