I bought the wife a MacBook and....

in macOS edited January 2014
She is Japanese, so now I have to problems with cross translation but the good news is we are a Apple family. The bad news is the fonts for OSX are not easy to read. Does anyone know of some easy fonts to read Romaji? On XP, the fonts are easier to read and I think it's no more than a font, but I can't seem to find any one that would be useful. She's about ready to throw the MacBook out the window and I am kinda there with her, if you can't read text easy, then honestly what the hell was Apple thinking? The PC-to-Mac thing on the Apple web site sucks. I was hoping for something more comprehensive. If you have any ideas please shout them out. THANKS!!!


  • Reply 1 of 9
    g_warreng_warren Posts: 713member
    Have you looked at the text smoothing preferences? Maybe playing around with that will make things easier to read.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    Is it the size of the text or the amount of "blurriness" that is giving your 日本の妻 so much trouble?

    Also, have you changed the OS X interface to Japanese yet? Make her feel at home!
  • Reply 3 of 9
    feartecfeartec Posts: 119member
    I tried the font smoothing change, and also several fonts in the browser, but some web sites display a smoother Romaji than other web sites.

    ひらがな AND  ろまじ

    are really hard to read due to the complexity of the characters, and some web sites go for a simpler look such as:

    ポータブル which looks more smooth on certain characters.

    I also have switched over her language on the computer to Japanese, which was a very easy process, kudos to Apple for that, now we just need to find a easy way to read data. Any more suggestions are welcome!
  • Reply 4 of 9
    Feartec, could you take a screenshot of a website with the bad text in action? This is an interesting problem to me.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    feartecfeartec Posts: 119member
    Although it would make it easier to read, the font itself is different on the web sites. If we try to change the font set and forcing the browser to render, the web site is screwed up, negating the point of having bought a computer with the sole purpose of internet browsing easy.

    Ill get a screenshot tonight, and show you all what I mean

    Also, decreased resolution, and made it better, but I am paying for resolution so wouldn't want to be a long-term fix.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    Maybe try OmniWeb with different custom CSS sheets for the different sites, also you can adjust the font size and styles with site specific preferences. In addition ask on the Omni Group forums if anyone uses OmniWeb for mainly Japanese sites.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    feartecfeartec Posts: 119member
    Tonton, it's amazing how sometimes the simplest thing can be overlooked. Thanks, and problem solved...COMPLETELY

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