New Notebook

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I am a student in architecture in need of a new notebook, and now that Windows can be run side-by-side with OSX (necessary for AutoCAD, isn't it?), I have decided to purchase my first apple computer.

I need a computer that can comfortably run AutoCAD, SketchUP, Photoshop, etc., and I as well have a student discount, making the first tier of MacBook Pro's $1800, though no discount on the regular MacBook. Originally I was going to purchase the black MacBook, but I am seriously considering going up a noche to the cheapest MacBook Pro, just because I save around $200 on it that I don't save if I get a MacBook.

Any advice and comments are appreciated, what do you guys think? Is Apple the way to go?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    teedoff087teedoff087 Posts: 348member
    You will have absolutely no problems running any of the programs you listed on a 15" MacBook Pro. You will have to run AutoCAD in Boot Camp (you could run it in Parallels, but I don't know how well it performs with AutoCAD). Good luck, man. Apple is definitely the way to go.
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  • Reply 2 of 4
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,519moderator
    Originally Posted by Eraserhead View Post

    I am a student in architecture in need of a new notebook, and now that Windows can be run side-by-side with OSX (necessary for AutoCAD, isn't it?)

    Windows is necessary for AutoCAD but there are other CAD programs for the Mac. As mentioned, you can run AutoCAD inside Parallels:

    I would still use a Bootcamp partition with Parallels though because it makes copying files much easier. You don't have to have duplicates of everything you work on.

    Originally Posted by Eraserhead View Post

    I need a computer that can comfortably run AutoCAD, SketchUP, Photoshop, etc., and I as well have a student discount, making the first tier of MacBook Pro's $1800, though no discount on the regular MacBook. Originally I was going to purchase the black MacBook, but I am seriously considering going up a noche to the cheapest MacBook Pro, just because I save around $200 on it that I don't save if I get a MacBook.

    Any advice and comments are appreciated, what do you guys think? Is Apple the way to go?

    Don't get the Macbook for 3D stuff. The GMA chip is capable of handling 3D but it's way down at the low end. If you need to save some money, you can look at the refurb Macbook Pro section on Apple's site.

    They have the same warranty. They are the last model of MBP but the graphics card in them is very capable and they are still the 64-bit Core 2 Duo CPUs.
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  • Reply 3 of 4
    Originally Posted by Eraserhead View Post

    I am a student in architecture in need of a new notebook, and now that Windows can be run side-by-side with OSX (necessary for AutoCAD, isn't it?), I have decided to purchase my first apple computer.

    I need a computer that can comfortably run AutoCAD, SketchUP, Photoshop, etc., and I as well have a student discount, making the first tier of MacBook Pro's $1800, though no discount on the regular MacBook. Originally I was going to purchase the black MacBook, but I am seriously considering going up a noche to the cheapest MacBook Pro, just because I save around $200 on it that I don't save if I get a MacBook.

    Any advice and comments are appreciated, what do you guys think? Is Apple the way to go?

    As long as you don't have it hooked up an external lcd larger than 17" you will be fine. The nvidia drivers for the curent MBP sux while running Vista (thats the flavor I run in Bootcamp).

    Currently the resolution for these drivers can't do over 1024x768....makes my 20" lcd widescreen useless unless in OSX mode.
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  • Reply 4 of 4
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by trailmaster308 View Post

    As long as you don't have it hooked up an external lcd larger than 17" you will be fine. The nvidia drivers for the curent MBP sux while running Vista (thats the flavor I run in Bootcamp).

    Currently the resolution for these drivers can't do over 1024x768....makes my 20" lcd widescreen useless unless in OSX mode.

    Yeah. Get XP.
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