Has Apple ditched education?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
When Apple redesigned their website a couple of months ago, they removed the link to education resources from their front page.

Now, they've introduced some pretty sweet iMacs, but the price point is one that most K-12 schools won't be able to meet. I'm more than a little disappointed that there is no Mac desktop under $1000, except for the mac mini. The education price on the new iMac is $1149. Sure, it appears that you can get the "old iMacs" for under $900, but it's the old stuff. OK....the MacBook price for education is $999, but at these price points, the PCs will continue to flood into the K-12 schools.

C'mon Apple, surely you care more about education than you appear to with these recent moves!


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    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by tdoering View Post

    When Apple redesigned their website a couple of months ago, they removed the link to education resources from their front page.

    Now, they've introduced some pretty sweet iMacs, but the price point is one that most K-12 schools won't be able to meet. I'm more than a little disappointed that there is no Mac desktop under $1000, except for the mac mini. The education price on the new iMac is $1149. Sure, it appears that you can get the "old iMacs" for under $900, but it's the old stuff. OK....the MacBook price for education is $999, but at these price points, the PCs will continue to flood into the K-12 schools.

    C'mon Apple, surely you care more about education than you appear to with these recent moves!

    Apple hasn't been buoyed by the education market for years. Obviously, they're not pressing it for a reason: it wasn't profitable.
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