my imac / macbook purchasing situation

in General Discussion edited January 2014
hi all,

so, what do you all think to my current purchasing situation:

uses: generally internet work, personal organising, quite heavy logic pro use, some retro-gaming (might be tempted to get some newer games as well)

up until a few months ago i was on a powerbook g4 1.5 which was starting to become rather frustrating for logic! i was planning to grab a new 24" imac as soon as they came out, but it was dragging on and on, and it dawned on me i might be able to trade the aging powerbook for something a bit more recent. a few skillful ebay and currency trades later and i managed to get a 2.0ghz macbook with 2gb home ram upgrade for almost no cash-down, selling on the powerbook it's been good to me so far, but i would like to still get a "desktop" for the extra screen space, disc space and permanence of having a machine that's always on my desk.

the only problem is, i now feel less keen to splash out $2000+ on the new imac because my macbook is fairly up-to-date. it would be great to have two machines. having the macbook on my desk is irritating because when i take it out of the house i have to do so much unplugging of cables. if i had the imac i could set up a nice wireless network to keep everything synced and be good to go. i also got rid of my old tv recently and was planning to use the big screen imac for my movies/dvds etc.

so i guess the problem is, when i had my powerbook i had no qualms about splashing out for the imac because my powerbook was showing its age. now i swapped for the macbook this is less clear... at the moment i am considering 24" imac w/ a hard-drive upgrade but i am disappointed at the cost... i could get discounts in a few months but all the options i would want would have to come BTO from apple... i'm also waiting on benchmarks for 2.8ghz chip but i think disc space is more valuable to me than .4 ghz on the chip

sorry for the protracted stream of consciousness, there! i hope you got the gist of my situation! thoughts?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    I think you are in a good position to wait six-8 months for the next iMac revision. By then, the distance between specs and pricepoints will make things more clear.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    jonnyboyjonnyboy Posts: 525member
    Originally Posted by cygnusrk727 View Post

    I think you are in a good position to wait six-8 months for the next iMac revision. By then, the distance between specs and pricepoints will make things more clear.

    ah.... not a bad idea.... but i already waited so long for this revision!

    admittedly your suggestion is admirably sensible!
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