TV channel logos, banners, and such

in General Discussion edited January 2014
In another thread, I mentioned my dislike of the cr_p imposed by TV channels on our TV sets. It burns my a__ that they impose this stuff on our screens and we can't do anything about it. If the logo was shown at decent intervals, I wouldn't mind so much, but it's constant EXCEPT when showing commercials. Occasionally, it blocks something you want to see. The 'previews of coming attractions" are even worse as they are usually much larger and draw your attention from whatever you're watching. The news banners are also annoying. I don't know about other people, but I can't focus on the banners and keep track of the story.

Does anyone have any thoughts about how the "'great unwashed masses" can convince the Networks to discontinue this sh_t that's foisted on us?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    In another thread, I mentioned my dislike of the cr_p imposed by TV channels on our TV sets. It burns my a__ that they impose this stuff on our screens and we can't do anything about it. If the logo was shown at decent intervals, I wouldn't mind so much, but it's constant EXCEPT when showing commercials. Occasionally, it blocks something you want to see. The 'previews of coming attractions" are even worse as they are usually much larger and draw your attention from whatever you're watching. The news banners are also annoying. I don't know about other people, but I can't focus on the banners and keep track of the story.

    Does anyone have any thoughts about how the "'great unwashed masses" can convince the Networks to discontinue this sh_t that's foisted on us?

    Yeah, it's getting out of control. The bumpers for other shows keep getting bigger and louder and longer.

    I've been watching movies that most people would consider great art, and at a critical moment little dancing people come into the frame and make screeching noises. It really demonstrates the contempt the corporations have for content, and reminds us that their actual "product" is consumer eyeballs, not movies or programs.

    I think this is the wave of the future: as new technologies make traditional commercial breaks less effective, broadcasters are turning to "in show" tricks. I expect the next step will be actual product ads formated like the show promos-- Toyota Tundras zooming across the bottom of the frame with exploding sounds in the middle of Citizen Kane.

    It appears that the traditional ad driven TV model is going into a death spiral-- the more the broadcasters try to force us to consume some ad time, the less attractive the product becomes compared to downloads, DVDs, premium cable, and other "pay per view" models.

    Fewer viewers mean they get even more aggressive with pushing ads onto us, to justify their buy rates.

    My fear is that ubiquitous advertising is going to become the norm, and in a generation no one will think twice about seeing all kinds of shit all over their screens, all the time. It's already true of the web, it's increasingly true of television, I think the joke in the Simpson's movie of "Fox" running an ad banner in the middle of the movie isn't so far fetched.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yeah, it's getting out of control. T

    My fear is that ubiquitous advertising is going to become the norm, and in a generation no one will think twice about seeing all kinds of shit all over their screens, all the time. It's already true of the web, it's increasingly true of television, I think the joke in the Simpson's movie of "Fox" running an ad banner in the middle of the movie isn't so far fetched.

    I hate to think about it, but you're right, it probably is the wave of the future.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Thank your TiVo.

    Because people are skipping through ads on their TiVos and other DVRs, networks have had to find other ways to get ad time in and promote their other programming WHILE you're watching the show itself.

    The solution: More in-program product placement and little animated annoying things in the corner of the screen.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by CosmoNut View Post

    Thank your TiVo.

    Because people are skipping through ads on their TiVos and other DVRs, networks have had to find other ways to get ad time in and promote their other programming WHILE you're watching the show itself.

    The solution: More in-program product placement and little animated annoying things in the corner of the screen.

    Yeah, except they're migrating out of the corner of the screen and wandering all around the bottom of the frame-- and in case you might miss it, they generally arrive with a lot of noise.

    I understand the economics of why they are doing this, I just think its a vicious circle-- the more cluttered and irritating the shows get, the more people flee to other things, the more intrusive they get with their ads.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    There was one of those pop-up ads in The Simpsons Movie. It said "we even advertise our TV shows during our movies!"
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