AT&T Asumes You Want Roadside Assistance... Charges You For It.

in iPhone edited January 2014
Just a warning:

I got my new bill a few days ago and it seemed a little high. After poking around my account online I realized that somehow I'd been signed up for Roadside Assistance - $2.99/month.

I called, had it removed, and received credit for the 2 months of unwanted service . The rep I spoke with said that this feature was being added automatically a lot for iPhone customers (I definitely didn't add it during my iTunes activation). I just wanted to warn anyone who might be paying for a unwanted service.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    seems shady that they would do this but kudos to younforneven seeing that. I dont start asking questions about my bill until its close to 200. Three bucks never woulda made me think my bill was "a bit high"
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