15" Macbook Pro Purchase Now or Wait For Leopard

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I currently have last years version of iMac at home but find that most of my freetime for working on my MAC is spent on the couch. Thus, I have been eyeing the new 15" Macbook Pro. I know that Leopard is due in October and I definately want to use that version on the Macbook Pro. Any advice on waiting or going for it now would be appreciated. I do have the iMac at home to use until Leopard comes out but it is just not as conveinant as the Macbook.

Also, my company uses Windows Small Business Server. Does anyone know if you can use a remote connection to the server to access networked folders?

Thanks for the help.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    bacillusbacillus Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by brademcee View Post

    I currently have last years version of iMac at home but find that most of my freetime for working on my MAC is spent on the couch. Thus, I have been eyeing the new 15" Macbook Pro. I know that Leopard is due in October and I definately want to use that version on the Macbook Pro. Any advice on waiting or going for it now would be appreciated. I do have the iMac at home to use until Leopard comes out but it is just not as conveinant as the Macbook.

    Also, my company uses Windows Small Business Server. Does anyone know if you can use a remote connection to the server to access networked folders?

    Thanks for the help.

    I would say get it now. Personally, I would like the option to stick with a well patched 10.4, then to risk going with a new 10.5. For example, lets say that 10.5 is really buggy - do you want to be stuck with that as your only OS? If you go with 10.4 now, you will have the option not to. Personally, I have a feeling that 10.5 will be pushed to November or December, but what the hell do I know.

    Many big companies will delay going to a new Windows OS until the first SP is released. I've adopted the same strategy.
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