iLife/iWork on more than one computer

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I hope this is a good place to ask. I've searched the Apple site and not found an answer...

The licences for iLife/iWork '08 mention 'single user' or 'family pack', the latter being one household.

As a single person household with more than one machine (but only one machine ever in use, and only by me), would my three machines be covered under 'single user'? In a literal sense, it's a single user who has more than one computer. So I think it's OK. Any views?


  • Reply 1 of 15
    Originally Posted by krispie View Post

    I hope this is a good place to ask. I've searched the Apple site and not found an answer...

    The licences for iLife/iWork '08 mention 'single user' or 'family pack', the latter being one household.

    As a single person household with more than one machine (but only one machine ever in use, and only by me), would my three machines be covered under 'single user'? In a literal sense, it's a single user who has more than one computer. So I think it's OK. Any views?

    Its goes on the honor system. You dont even need a S/N to install iLife.
  • Reply 2 of 15
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post

    Its goes on the honor system. You dont even need a S/N to install iLife.

    S/N ?
  • Reply 3 of 15
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    S/N ?

    serial number
  • Reply 4 of 15
    krispiekrispie Posts: 260member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post

    Its goes on the honor system. You dont even need a S/N to install iLife.

    I know - I'm just wondering if I need the family pack in order to be 'honourable', or if the single-user version is good enough.

    I guess the price difference is small enough that it doesn't really matter that much.
  • Reply 5 of 15
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I'd say your OK with 'single user' After all, you're just one person! The family pack would seem silly.
  • Reply 6 of 15
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    I remember one company, Rorland, that made a point of this and said to treat it like a book, which only one person can be reading at a time. So, at least that company allowed multiple installations as long as only a single user was running it at any particular time. Depends upon license I guess.

  • Reply 7 of 15
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Yeah, I biffed when I picked up iWork last week, and bought the single user instead of the family pack. Called Apple to see if I could just upgrade - nope.

    Oh well, I tried. It's not like more than one person in the house is likely to be using it at the same time anyway.
  • Reply 8 of 15
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by krispie View Post

    I hope this is a good place to ask. I've searched the Apple site and not found an answer...

    The licences for iLife/iWork '08 mention 'single user' or 'family pack', the latter being one household.

    As a single person household with more than one machine (but only one machine ever in use, and only by me), would my three machines be covered under 'single user'? In a literal sense, it's a single user who has more than one computer. So I think it's OK. Any views?

    There was another thread on this one. Here's what I replied:

    I called my local Apple store last night to see if I could legally install iLife '08 on BOTH my laptop and my iMac. They said that was fine and legal.

    Just to make sure, I called the online Apple Store and received the same response.

    I asked about BOTH iLife and iWork. They both said that it was ok to install on both of my machines.

    FYI - This inquiry was about only the single version. Of course, it'd also be ok to use the family version.
  • Reply 9 of 15
    krispiekrispie Posts: 260member
    Thanks, iMick.
  • Reply 10 of 15
    poppetpoppet Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by iMick View Post

    There was another thread on this one. Here's what I replied:

    I called my local Apple store last night to see if I could legally install iLife '08 on BOTH my laptop and my iMac. They said that was fine and legal.

    Just to make sure, I called the online Apple Store and received the same response.

    I asked about BOTH iLife and iWork. They both said that it was ok to install on both of my machines.

    FYI - This inquiry was about only the single version. Of course, it'd also be ok to use the family version.

    So if my either one of use own two computers we don't have to buy the family pack?? I am looking to add an imac to our exsisting macbook. One portable, one home computer. What do I buy when purchasing leopard, ilife/iwork?

    Thanks. Sorry to hijack.


  • Reply 11 of 15
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by Poppet View Post

    So if my either one of use own two computers we don't have to buy the family pack?? I am looking to add an imac to our exsisting macbook. One portable, one home computer. What do I buy when purchasing leopard, ilife/iwork?

    Thanks. Sorry to hijack.



    That's what BOTH of the stores, the local store and, told me. If I remember correctly, it's because my MacBook is considered "part of my iMac". I do remember that part.

    Just do like I did - call a store, any store, then call the online Apple store to verify.

    This is really the way that software should work - Do you hear me Parallels?????
  • Reply 12 of 15
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by iMick View Post

    That's what BOTH of the stores, the local store and, told me. If I remember correctly, it's because my MacBook is considered "part of my iMac". I do remember that part.

    Just do like I did - call a store, any store, then call the online Apple store to verify.

    This is really the way that software should work - Do you hear me Parallels?????

    They were almost certainly wrong. This is what the license agreement says:


    B. iWork Single User License. This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software (whether trial or full version) on a single Apple-

    labeled computer at a time.
    This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time, and you may not make the Apple

    Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple computers at the same time. You may make one copy of the Apple Software in

    machine-readable form for backup purposes only; provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the


    C. iWork Family Pack License. This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-labeled

    computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that same household. By "household"

    we mean a person or persons sharing the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. This license does not extend to

    students who reside at a separate on-campus location or to business or commercial users. You may not make the Apple Software available over a network.

    I personally don't care, and I'm not trying to be the Apple Software license gestapo. I can't imagine anyone thinking the original poster would be a software pirate in that situation, and frankly I doubt Apple would win the case if they tried to pursue it (not that they ever would, but just hypothetically).

    But I think it's clear what the license actually says, and it doesn't say what those employees said.
  • Reply 13 of 15
    Sorry to revive an old thread but I thought this interesting:

    Statement 1: "This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software (whether trial or full version) on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time": Now since you can't "install and use" at the same time this can only mean you are not allowed to install on more than one machine at a time, which is hard to do with only one DVD anyway, nor are you allowed to use it on more than one machine at the same time which the OP said doesn't happen. So all ok there.

    Statement 2: "This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time": now this is an existential question really and I would argue that when the computer is off then nothing exists on it. Something does not begin to exist until you turn the computer on and even then it doesn't exist until you run the software. After all I have a dead computer in the corner and I reinstalled my software on a new machine. I doubt I've breached the software license because there a hard-drive in a dead machine with the binary installed. Furthermore even if you have an old binary lying around on you hard drive of a machine that is turned on it doesn't exist yet. The OP just needs to make sure 2 machines are not turned on at the same time running iLife or iWorks. "I process therefore I am", said iLife.
  • Reply 14 of 15
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post

    Its goes on the honor system. You dont even need a S/N to install iLife.

    iLife goes on the honor system. iWork uses serial codes. krispie is going to need the family packs, for iWork at least.
  • Reply 15 of 15
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Lavec View Post

    Sorry to revive an old thread but I thought this interesting:

    Statement 1: "This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software (whether trial or full version) on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time": Now since you can't "install and use" at the same time this can only mean you are not allowed to install on more than one machine at a time, which is hard to do with only one DVD anyway, nor are you allowed to use it on more than one machine at the same time which the OP said doesn't happen. So all ok there.

    Statement 2: "This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time": now this is an existential question really and I would argue that when the computer is off then nothing exists on it. Something does not begin to exist until you turn the computer on and even then it doesn't exist until you run the software. After all I have a dead computer in the corner and I reinstalled my software on a new machine. I doubt I've breached the software license because there a hard-drive in a dead machine with the binary installed. Furthermore even if you have an old binary lying around on you hard drive of a machine that is turned on it doesn't exist yet. The OP just needs to make sure 2 machines are not turned on at the same time running iLife or iWorks. "I process therefore I am", said iLife.

    What are you talking about? The license mumbo jumbo has nothing to do with anything. This isn't Microsoft. It makes no difference how many machines have the same "copy" of iLife installed on it at the same time. The law is the law, and Apples T&C are the T&C, but in reality, there is no actual limit, and no serial number, and again, no limit. Did I mention it can't be limited?
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