MacBook problem...SLOW PAGE LOADING

in macOS edited January 2014
So, recently my wife informed me that her 4 year old XP version laptop was much better at surfing the internet than her new MacBook 2 GHz. I told her she was insane, then I went and took a look for myself. She was correct, it runs EXTREMELY SLOW. What gives? I have tried Firefox, and Safari and both of them are slow. I tried bandwidth tests, and they sometimes don't even complete the test due to something making it slow. Any suggestions, tips, or anything that may help? I don't want her going back to her old laptop. I am hiding it for now, but if she gets determined enough, she will be able to locate it, and that would be bad. Thanks for the help as always!


  • Reply 1 of 5
    Originally Posted by Feartec View Post

    So, recently my wife informed me that her 4 year old XP version laptop was much better at surfing the internet than her new MacBook 2 GHz. I told her she was insane, then I went and took a look for myself. She was correct, it runs EXTREMELY SLOW. What gives? I have tried Firefox, and Safari and both of them are slow. I tried bandwidth tests, and they sometimes don't even complete the test due to something making it slow. Any suggestions, tips, or anything that may help? I don't want her going back to her old laptop. I am hiding it for now, but if she gets determined enough, she will be able to locate it, and that would be bad. Thanks for the help as always!

    Does it happen both wired and wireless? Have you recently used the 'other' laptop at the same time to rule out a router/modem problem? Try using Activity Monitor while loading a page to see what kind of bandwidth you are getting/using.

    I did a google search and found this on another forum:


    I decided to try changing the DNS in the network settings to, VOILA! Speedy connections again.

    You may try doing this, but Idk how well it would work.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    feartecfeartec Posts: 119member
    Thanks for the tip, but i'm not sure that did it. I adjusted the IP addresses to a new set completely and she says there is some improvment, but I am not so sure. Any other ideas are welcome! Also im using a Air Port Extreme b/g wireless router.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    mattsmatts Posts: 37member
    Is the MacBook slow only when surfing, or also otherwise?

  • Reply 4 of 5
    feartecfeartec Posts: 119member
    It's slow mostly when surfing, any other time its awesome fast....
  • Reply 5 of 5
    mattsmatts Posts: 37member
    So, you're using the same Airport Extreme b/g wireless router on both machines but surfing on the Win XP machine is fast?

    If that's the case, this sounds like a broken Airport card in the Mac.
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