Bought iLife '08 - iPhoto web galleries question?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Just got my copy of iLife '08, fed-ex overnight for an extra 18 bucks.

I bought it after viewing a sample iPhoto web gallery on apple's site, which was stunning and seemed quite functional. I want to use this for a web gallery on my professional photography/design site - but the only problem is that iPhoto offers absolutely no method of visually altering the web gallery or it's interface. Pretty much a what-you-see-is-what-you-get type of function.

That being said it's a very nice solution for your average Joe who wants to impress the family with his suave technological ways, but I need the customization.

I've had a look at the underbelly of the gallery after creating a few tests, and it appears that the pages are generated through a script and stylesheets hosted on the .mac server itself (I could be (and hope that I am) wrong about this), outside of the .mac user-accessible portion of the server.

Now, the question: Is there a way to copy said script and stylesheets onto my server and link the gallery from there, in order to make the output customizable?

Thanks to anyone who can give me a tip here.
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