Wondering when i load up bootcamp and put vista on it... will it support a 4gb usb flash memory stick as readyboost memory?
I would try it first and see if it does. If it does, yes; if it doesn't, no.
Possibly it needs a machine that can load USB devices at boot time. Windows doesn't boot from USB devices on Macs - it does on some computers that have a certain bios configuration because it loads the drivers earlier or something. Since you are going to put Vista on anyway, you may as well check it out.
I think Vista always boots from HD, even if you're using "readyboost". The bootloader on the HD starts, and then looks for a readyboost enabled USB device. If one is found, then the boot sequence continues from the USB device. If not, the boot sequences uses files from the HD.
Wondering when i load up bootcamp and put vista on it... will it support a 4gb usb flash memory stick as readyboost memory?
I would try it first and see if it does. If it does, yes; if it doesn't, no.
Possibly it needs a machine that can load USB devices at boot time. Windows doesn't boot from USB devices on Macs - it does on some computers that have a certain bios configuration because it loads the drivers earlier or something. Since you are going to put Vista on anyway, you may as well check it out.
Wondering when i load up bootcamp and put vista on it... will it support a 4gb usb flash memory stick as readyboost memory?
yes it will