Alternatives to VPC?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
First, I think that M$'s acquisition of VPC was on friendlier terms than Sony's acquisition of Virtual GameStation. So I don't expect M$ to try to bury the MacOS version of it, as Sony has with VGS. That being said, I think it necessary to prepare for the possibility of VPC getting buried. What alternatives are there?

The main commercial competitors to VPC have been RealPC and SoftWindows, which <a href=""; target="_blank">FWB</a> is exploring the revival of. I'm doing these descriptions from memory:

RealPC works just like VirtualPC -- it emulates the PC (PeeCee?) hardware.

However, SoftWindows emulates only the x86 processor, and only does so for the apps -- all Windows stuff is handled by PPC-native code.

There are also some open-source competitors.

<a href=""; target="_blank">Bochs</a>, pronounced "Box", does what VPC and RealPC do -- emulate the whole PC. However, it is reputedly slow.

There is also an open-source equivalent of SoftWindows:

<a href=""; target="_blank">WINE</a>, It currently runs only on x86 hardware, but a combination of Bochs and Mac-native WINE might be possible.

So we will have options.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    rodukroduk Posts: 706member
    [quote]Originally posted by Loren Petrich:

    <strong>What alternatives are there?


    A cheap PC as a second computer?

    It will always be quicker than any emulation software, though you lose the advantage of easy drag and drop etc between the two environments.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    WINE is an implementation of the Win32 APIs for Linux/x86.

    As to FWB's products, they seem to be more or less dead (don't ask me why).
  • Reply 3 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by Chucker:

    <strong>WINE is an implementation of the Win32 APIs for Linux/x86.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And other Unix-like OSes that run on x86 hardware.

    Check under "CPU Emulation" in the <a href=""; target="_blank">WINE status page</a>.

    The only work on OSX-native WINE done so far has been on Winelib, which is for linking to Windows apps compiled as Linux, etc. apps. Thus, one can compile a Windows app with gcc and link a PPC-native version of Winelib to it, and it will run, though perhaps with some source-code tweaking like endianness conversion.

    What I had in mind was an open-source version of SoftWindows: WINE would be PPC-native, but all app code would execute in Bochs, and hand Windows calls over to WINE to handle.
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