"Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't"

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I see it now- One of Microsoft's reasons for buying Virtual PC from Connectix is to calm Apple's disagreement of the settlement between the states and Microsoft. How would that be a solvent is simple. Provide software solutions that are based on the Windows OS, but keeps Microsoft with an inroad path into the Educational Market place. I see it now, we will provide Billion's of dollars worth of software based on the Macintosh platform. "Virtual PC and Office"- solutions that derive off of one name brand image. This allows Microsoft to continue dominating with it's name brand awareness while keeping Apple humble in the education market as a Hardware provider.

\tSmart... Bet that wasn't thought of yet. If I was Apple I would demand for the name brand "Microsoft" be removed in case the terms of the settlement was just changed to what I said in the paragraph prior to this. Branding can be a more important factor that will enhance future customers and their purchasing decisions.

Example: In school I used a Apple Macintosh running Microsoft Virtual PC with Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Office XP (Not Office X). How many words Microsoft were in that sentence to psychologically convince you that they have better products and persuade the future cliental to purchase computers that utilize their brands. If you are an advertiser like myself, the best advertisements are subliminal. If this were to happen, most definitely it is legal and would temporary

solve Apple's dilemma concerning the states settlement, but will damage Apple in the long run.

P.S. one more thing. Apple must also make sure that Microsoft can not use it's settlement to enhance future customers through any type of commercials that will show what a good company Microsoft is by donations to schools. Think of the tobacco TV advertisements that are telling people to quit. They don't mention any company name just the industry they are in and how they affect our lives. Even tobacco companies that advertise are prohibited from inducing their name but what they have done is told you tobacco is wrong. Come on produce an Anti-Microsoft commercial that say's we Microsoft apologize for being a bully. Remove your name "Microsoft".


  • Reply 1 of 1
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    don't post in this, post in the one in general discussion...he doesn't know not to post in two places i guess
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