Idea/Request for Sherlock channel... integrated mapping

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Okay, after spending way too many clicks, drags, etc trying to get directions to someone's house, I thought of the following:

The Yellow Pages channel allows you to select your 'home' address as a point from which to get directions. I'd like to see a simple channel that lets me choose any two people/companies in my Address Book, then select the addresses, then toddle off, get the map and directions, and display it.

Not a White Pages to look up addresses, but simply a mapper for people's address I already have.

Anyone know of one that already exists?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    You can do that with Yahoo. Add people to your Yahoo AddresBook, go to and you'll be able to pick their addresses.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    See, I don't see the reason to add them to multiple places. I already have them in my Address Book, why on earth should I have to enter them *again* into a Yahoo/MapQuest/MyLittleMapper Address Book? Bleah.

    I already have a few places in Mapquest, but it struck me tonight that this is what Sherlock is *for*. It provides the link between local data (Address Book) and web services.

    So, no one has a ready solution for this? Guess it's time to investigate the Sherlock SDK...

    [ 02-23-2003: Message edited by: Kickaha ]</p>
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