Are We Ready for a 3D Mailbox?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I was watching BBC?s programme Click on the creation of 3D mailbox yesterday, then I followed instruction link to 3D Mailbox website.

I assume many people have not heard about 3D mail box yet. Basically, this programme is a 3D mail application and it creates a character for each of your messages. The pictures are cool and the whole experience is quite fascinating.

Apparently, there is little controversy among users though. Some people think it is great fun to have a 3D mail box whilst others believe it wastes processor. In my opinion, this is a really interesting concept. However, unlike Microsoft Live Search Maps Goes 3D, it is hard to predict how fast people would accept it.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Moved to Applications. Not Current Hardware.

    NOTE: This post refers to a Windows app. Not sure what the poster's purpose is.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    filburtfilburt Posts: 398member
    Several prominent blogs called it the worst app ever. Curious, I installed it and played with it for an hour. Think poorly written Sims engine clumsily adopted for email. I suppose I am not the target audience though -- I see email as a communication tool, not a form of entertainment. I don't like to spend that much time with email. I'd rather go outside, watch a movie or TV, or take a nap even.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    I was thinking more like stacks or piles or whatever they're called in the next OS X release. A visual way to organize related email would be cool - a pile for one project, other for a triup being planned, maybe a stickies-like oprion for quick things.... This sims looking thing is the opposite of useful.
  • Reply 4 of 7
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Re: Are We Ready for a 3D Mailbox?


    *filed under Lame VR Internet*
  • Reply 5 of 7
    Dumb as anything I've ever seen. How does crap like this continue to get made? Developer tunnel vision? Too much fluoride in the water?
  • Reply 6 of 7
    Heard about several months ago... it looks horribly dumb...and nothing near productive at all
  • Reply 7 of 7
    flinch13flinch13 Posts: 228member
    No. No we're not. This is the power of the internet, as realized by computer geniuses of the late 1970's. I can almost guarantee it'll hit a brick wall. I want to read my email; it takes me about 5 seconds to get email done now, and there's no reason to slow down that much more to look a poorly-rendered sharks and palm trees.
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