iWeb - deleting background image

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hey guys,

In the Travel theme template in iWeb, there is an image of a statue in the background. I've tried Inspector, but I'm not able to get rid of the image - otherwise the template is perfect for my website. How can I get rid of that image?

Thanks a ton for your help.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    Some parts of the iweb templates seem locked down. You can open the iweb application using right-click > show package contents and go into resources and your language folder and templates.

    e.g for english, go to contents/resources/english.lproj/templates

    Then they are listed by type not category so if it's the welcome page, go to the welcome folder and pick travel.

    Make a backup of the one you want to modify by duplicating. Then open the original with the right-click show package contents. The overlay is the cherub shortcut. You can change this image if you do a get info and find the original in the shared location. Just replace it with a white image or something. If you remove it, it shows a broken link as it's embedded in the XML so it's just easier to replace it.
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