New MacBooks

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hi all, quite a while since I have posted here. Been spending a lot of time with my new Nikon D 80 and the Nikon Forum on DP Review.

I have been keen on a MacBook for quite some time. Purchase is not urgent and I have been waiting for Leopard release.

Any info out there on the jungle vines re a revised MacBook coming up soon, 'soon' as in the next few months?


  • Reply 1 of 57
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by bestgolfer View Post

    Hi all, quite a while since I have posted here. Been spending a lot of time with my new Nikon D 80 and the Nikon Forum on DP Review.

    I have been keen on a MacBook for quite some time. Purchase is not urgent and I have been waiting for Leopard release.

    Any info out there on the jungle vines re a revised MacBook coming up soon, 'soon' as in the next few months?

    Good camera, I have one too.

    love it.

    There is no info on an updated MacBook yet, only a product release history on which we can expect an update in the october /november time frame.

    Probably Santa Rosa MacBooks with a modest speedbump of the C2D to 2.0 and 2.2GHz.
  • Reply 2 of 57
    Thanks for that gar. My Intel 20" iMac serving me well at present, but the flexibility of a MacBook appeals greatly.

    Recently travelled to Far North Queensland (Palm Cove, Port Douglas) and the annoyance of Internet Cafes is too much for me!
  • Reply 3 of 57
    mgkwhomgkwho Posts: 167member
    Well, I would guess so, as last year new MBPs were released, then new MacBooks in early November. So if you can wait until just before Thanksgiving- which it sounds like you can seeing as Leopard's inclusion is what you're looking forward to.

  • Reply 4 of 57
    ^^ I'm really hoping that's the case...I'm trying to hold out for a couple months as well.
  • Reply 5 of 57
    Originally Posted by payton20 View Post

    ^^ I'm really hoping that's the case...I'm trying to hold out for a couple months as well.

    Meant to mention one other thing. As far as I know, there is hardly a PC based laptop out there without a DVD burner as standard gear. It's nice that Apple offer a base model (MacBook) without the DVD burning capability, but should not this option be phased out?

    Apple, let's go all the way with a new range, thinner, cheaper AND with a DVD burner as standard.
  • Reply 6 of 57
    The Macbook really is showing it's age atm imho... it needs an upgrade desperately.

    I preface this post with the fact that I have used Macs since around 1990, have owned 50+ for work, home and all my computing uses. I work in IT (used to work for Apple infact), and for many many years there was no doubt in my mind that I'd always stay with Apple machines. Since the Intel switch? Hmm, my faith is very much weakened.

    Take this for an example. I am looking for a new secondary machine with an Azerty keyboard to go with my Macbook Pro, and have been shopping around. From the looks of it, I can't see how Apple can justify the price atm with the specs the Macbooks have.

    For example:

    Sony Vaio FZ11E (base model):

    1.8 Core 2 Duo,

    120Gig HDD,

    Geforce 8400 GM (319mb) Gfx card

    1 or 2 Gig RAM

    15.4 Screen (only 1280x800, but much nicer than the Macbook's one)

    Very similar form factor in terms of size

    998 Euros!

    Acer Aspire 5920

    2.0 C2d

    160 Gig HDD

    Geforce 8400 GM

    2 Gig RAM

    15.4 Screen

    1100 Euros

    Let alone machines like the Dell XPS m1330 which has similar if not better stats than the ones above for the same (maybe a bit less) money.

    I am at a loss...

    I'd love to be able to spec a Macbook to the same level for the same price, but if I go to the, I get this:

    Macbook 13.3

    2.0 c2d

    2 Gig RAM

    160 Gig HDD

    All for a 1400 Euros! Still with the 950 graphic chipset, and without some of the other cool features that come as standard on the other machines.

    Yes, there is the 'OS X' factor, but tbh, you can run Ubuntu on the above machines, and after using it for some time, Vista is a huge stepforward in terms of interface usability.

    So, is OS X worth the extra 400+ Euros?

    I am really, really struggling to justify it...

    I just hope they upgrade the product line soon...
  • Reply 7 of 57
    I am currently using a G4 iBook but I'm eyeing an upgrade to an Intel machine. The price is the biggest factor for me at the moment. Once I compare specs and price of a MacBook to a PC machine with similar specs I see about a $400 dollar difference as well. I do want to go Apple so if I won't get the MacBook maybe the Mini will do enough for me. But the price has always been up there for Macs. It used to be that everyone said PPC processor was faster and that you can't compare Apples to PCs, and therefore they're more. But now it's easier to compare Apples to... Apples, but the price tag is still up there.
  • Reply 8 of 57
    can i side track a little?

    Do you think there is any possibility that Macbooks will be refreshed with an aluminium touch?

    I mean consider the new iMacs, new iPods. And remember SJ said he wants to be more environmentally friendly when it comes to new products? Almost everything is moving to the aluminium age (at least for Apple).

    But then again, it would be so similar to the MacBook Pros. I'm sure Apple wouldn't want to make them similar looking (they keep emphasizing on differentiating the Pro line of products).

    Any thoughts, opinions?
  • Reply 9 of 57
    yeah I think we'll see more aluminium... possibly in the style of iPod classics. Overall I think the design's pretty much awesome as it is.. I think the next set of specs will be

    13.3 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz (SILVER)

    1GB RAM

    X3100 graphics


    13.3 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz (SILVER)

    1GB RAM

    X3100 graphics


    13.3 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz (BLACK)

    2GB RAM

    X3100 graphics

  • Reply 10 of 57
    Originally Posted by ripplet View Post

    can i side track a little?

    Do you think there is any possibility that Macbooks will be refreshed with an aluminium touch?

    I mean consider the new iMacs, new iPods. And remember SJ said he wants to be more environmentally friendly when it comes to new products? Almost everything is moving to the aluminium age (at least for Apple).

    But then again, it would be so similar to the MacBook Pros. I'm sure Apple wouldn't want to make them similar looking (they keep emphasizing on differentiating the Pro line of products).

    Any thoughts, opinions?

    No doubt. They might mix in the black so it's similar to the iMac and to differentiate it from the Macbook Pro, but that might be due an update soon anyway. They should make it look similar to the iMac so they can differentiate the consumer products from the professional ones.

    Anyone else a bit sad that they've abandoned the white look though?
  • Reply 11 of 57
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by The Placid Casual View Post

    The Macbook really is showing it's age atm imho... it needs an upgrade desperately.

    Needs an upgrade - depends. If it stays at current price, yes it needs an upgrade. But desperately? No.

    What I'd like to see on the laptop side for a nice, competetive lineup, in order of importance:

    Macbook price drop to $999, Superdrive standard

    Business ultraportable, 11", solid state HD available, (external optical)

    Small MBP with high end mobile graphics

    Since the Intel switch? Hmm, my faith is very much weakened.

    Take this for an example. I am looking for a new secondary machine with an Azerty keyboard to go with my Macbook Pro, and have been shopping around. From the looks of it, I can't see how Apple can justify the price atm with the specs the Macbooks have.

    Sony Vaio FZ11E (base model):


    15.4 Screen (only 1280x800, but much nicer than the Macbook's one)

    Very similar form factor in terms of size

    998 Euros!

    It's not remotely the same form factor if it's 15.4". A 15.2" Powerbook was way too large for my uses of the time, while a 12" iBook was pretty much right. The MB is bigger than the iBook, but still compact compared to 15+".

    I am at a loss...

    I'd love to be able to spec a Macbook to the same level for the same price, but if I go to the, I get this:

    Macbook 13.3

    2.0 c2d

    2 Gig RAM

    160 Gig HDD

    All for a 1400 Euros! Still with the 950 graphic chipset, and without some of the other cool features that come as standard on the other machines.

    And what does it cost if you swap the HD yourself instead of BTO?

    The 8400gs equipped machines would be OK for gaming, but other than that, the graphics don't matter. If that capability and 15" screen are something you want then obviously you should be comparing to MBP.

    So, is OS X worth the extra 400+ Euros?

    To me, I don't think it's worth $400 at the moment, but it is worth going with just slightly lesser hardware specs, and then there isn't a large price diff.

    I just hope they upgrade the product line soon...

    Don't we all.

    Also, don't forget the used market. I grabbed a three month old Macbook with 2GB user installed RAM. I have a big 7200rpm disk sitting on my desk waiting to be swapped in. Even with the upgraded components, my total cost is going to be only slightly over 2/3 the price of the base spec MB. Now that's pretty hard to beat with any hardware.
  • Reply 12 of 57
    Originally Posted by Michael528 View Post

    No doubt. They might mix in the black so it's similar to the iMac and to differentiate it from the Macbook Pro, but that might be due an update soon anyway. They should make it look similar to the iMac so they can differentiate the consumer products from the professional ones.

    Anyone else a bit sad that they've abandoned the white look though?

    I miss the white iMacs too I bought a white one for my folks last year and have been pondering upgrading from my mini to an iMac for quite a while now - i held out for the new releases but after seeing them, I'm tempted to get a new aluminum one and swap it for their white one \
  • Reply 13 of 57
    Originally Posted by looksthatkill View Post

    I think the next set of specs will be

    13.3 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz (SILVER)

    1GB RAM

    X3100 graphics


    13.3 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz (SILVER)

    1GB RAM

    X3100 graphics


    13.3 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz (BLACK)

    2GB RAM

    X3100 graphics


    Agreed. This looks like the most probable update. But who knows, Apple might surprise us with better features?

    I kinda love the white look as well. It's sorta the classic Apple look.

    But hey, Apple's been pushed to be more eco-friendly with their products. So i guess they have no choice.
  • Reply 14 of 57
    Originally Posted by Indecisive PC user View Post

    I miss the white iMacs too I bought a white one for my folks last year and have been pondering upgrading from my mini to an iMac for quite a while now - i held out for the new releases but after seeing them, I'm tempted to get a new aluminum one and swap it for their white one \

    I don't know about your stores in Wales, but some of the stores here in the states still have white iMacs on their display floors. I don't know about getting a discount or anything, but they are available (at least they were yesterday in Knoxville, TN).
  • Reply 15 of 57
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    I don't know about your stores in Wales, but some of the stores here in the states still have white iMacs on their display floors. I don't know about getting a discount or anything, but they are available (at least they were yesterday in Knoxville, TN).

    Thanks, i'll keep pondering... \
  • Reply 16 of 57
    Originally Posted by Indecisive PC user View Post

    Thanks, i'll keep pondering... \

    FWIW, my wife and I just bought a MacBook 2.16 GHz and we love it. The trackpad takes a bit of getting used to as this is our first laptop, but I love wireless networking through the Airport Extreme.

    We're looking forward to taking it with us on our anniversary trip next month.

  • Reply 17 of 57
    As mentioned similarly on AppleNova, the new wireless keyboard that can be ordered with an iMac isn't available yet and if you add such a keyboard to an iMac order, the lead time jumps to at least 2 weeks. The Paris Apple Expo coincidentally starts in 2 weeks' time, and since any future MacBook update is very likely to use the same key layout as the compact keyboard...
  • Reply 18 of 57
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by mgkwho View Post

    Well, I would guess so, as last year new MBPs were released, then new MacBooks in early November. So if you can wait until just before Thanksgiving- which it sounds like you can seeing as Leopard's inclusion is what you're looking forward to.


    You should consider giving that quote your name every time thing a rest.

  • Reply 19 of 57
    I think black anodized aluminum would be schweet (like the last gen. nanos, darker than the current classics), but I'd rather see that in the pro line first. Whatever they do, they have to get rid of the cheap looknig white plastic that gets ridiculously dirty and gross.
  • Reply 20 of 57
    Lots of interesting opinions and ideas presented in this thread. I guess the common thrust relates to Apple adding increased value to the MacBook line. To me, this is more important than the colour, ie white or metallic finish. I am not suggesting a new finish, or updated enclosure would not be welcome.

    Key 'desired' features are surely........speed enhancements, hard drive capacity up a touch, inclusion of a DVD burner as standard, back lit keyboard. A bit thinner would be a nice touch.

    Oh, I almost forgot, a $100 price drop across the range!
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