multiple .mac accounts on one mac?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi ya,

Is it possible to run multiple .mac accounts on one mac. My husband wants to get his own email address and web space but we won't be getting another mac until nearer Christmas. Is it possible to run multiple .mac accounts. I've looked at the apple help pages and it doesn't seem that clear. Obviously I can change the .mac account name and password to reflect a different user but how does iweb work with ilife08. In the previous version of ilife you use to have to chance the domain file etc but I don't know if there is another way of doing this in 08. I am waiting for my replacement macbook to turn up but don't want to jump for the family pack until I am confident we can use multiple accounts from the 1 macbbook.

Any help would be appreciated.




  • Reply 1 of 1
    You can set up different user accounts on the computer for each .mac ID. But, if you've got plenty of RAM (1GB+), keeping both users logged in using "fast user switching" isn't such a big deal.

    Other than that, you'd have to use your own, PITA method of changing the ID info in SysPrefs all the time.
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