is the youtube app in the ipod touch and iphone necessary?

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
why is it necessary to have a separate youtube app when the ipod touch and iphone already have safari? and if it has anything to do with flash support then why not just give safari flash support? the youtube app does run on flash correct?


  • Reply 1 of 7
    Have you played with the built in version of youtube on the iPhone? It makes searching so much easier then searching through youtube on safari. Also, the videos playback in full screen automatically with the built in version.
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    Originally Posted by dehjr View Post

    why is it necessary to have a separate youtube app when the ipod touch and iphone already have safari? and if it has anything to do with flash support then why not just give safari flash support? the youtube app does run on flash correct?

    There are already long threads on this subject, but the short answer is:

    1) Yes it's because Safari on the iPhone/iPod does not support Flash

    2) Apple haven't said why they don't support Flash, but various good theories include that a) Flash is a resource hog on Mac OS X and would drain the battery and cause sluggishness in the UI responsiveness, or b) that Apple is hoping to break Adobe's stranglehold on web media by forcing sites to drop reliance on Flash if they want to support the iPhone (Flash after all is proprietary and not open source, unlike all other mainstream web technologies).
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    right.. as is currently setup, flash is necessary. but couldn't everything within the YouTube app on the iPhone be done inside a webapp? why not have redirect iPhones and iTouches to a webapp, designed very similarly to the current iphone app, with videos linking to their H.264 versions as opposed to the flash versions. this would also be a very good example of what can be done within a webapp, bringing some of the heat off of apple for not allowing 3rd party apps.

    as much as i enjoy being able to browse and view youtube on my phone, i really don't need a separate app for it.
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  • Reply 4 of 7
    Originally Posted by confirmed View Post

    ... why not have redirect iPhones and iTouches to a webapp, designed very similarly to the current iphone app, with videos linking to their H.264 versions as opposed to the flash versions. this would also be a very good example of what can be done within a webapp, bringing some of the heat off of apple for not allowing 3rd party apps.

    Apple has been behaving rather strangely with respect to web apps. On the one hand they've said that they are encouraging web apps as the way forward for 3rd party iPhone development, but on the other hand they've offered barely any support for this (where are the dev kits or Xcode plug-ins? Where are the dashboard-like local caching and storage hooks on the phone itself?) and all their own apps for the iPhone have been built with Cocoa.

    My guess is that the web-apps line was just to sweeten people while they get the real API sorted out. A pity in some ways, but in the end it will lead to better software.
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Also, YouTube via h.264 looks far better than Flash.
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  • Reply 6 of 7
    I think the whole concept of having youtube on the iphone is a slap in the face seeing as you cant even blog your own videos from the phone.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    I think the whole concept of having youtube on the iphone is a slap in the face seeing as you cant even blog your own videos from the phone.

    I agree! And I think the whole concept of having TV's in the home is a slap in the face considering most people can't afford TV studios and TV's don't come with studios.

    Johnny Cochran voice:

    This is an outrage!

    :Johnny Cochran
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