Error Message after Memory upgrade....HELP!
Ok, I brought my laptop to Best Buy to have the Geek Squad install 2 1GB memory chips into my mac.
Now i'm getting this 1 error message where the pixels on the screen get all weird, and it tells me i need to restart my machine. It happened once last night...but then i restarted and used the computer all night. Then it happened again today.
Error message didnt happen until AFTER i got the computer back from The Geek Squad.
im pretty sure this is the chip they put in, though I'm not positive
If something is a "memory upgrade for notebooks" does it matter what kind of notebook it is?? PC vs Mac??
Now i'm getting this 1 error message where the pixels on the screen get all weird, and it tells me i need to restart my machine. It happened once last night...but then i restarted and used the computer all night. Then it happened again today.
Error message didnt happen until AFTER i got the computer back from The Geek Squad.
im pretty sure this is the chip they put in, though I'm not positive
If something is a "memory upgrade for notebooks" does it matter what kind of notebook it is?? PC vs Mac??
Sounds like it is a Kernel Panic (the screen wipes down in transparent gray and a four language message appears telling you to restart).
Kernal Panics are thankfully rare. They are caused by numerous things however cheap "value" or defective RAM is a prime suspect especially given that you've just upgraded. I've had numerous KPs due to defective RAM (in my more naive days!) and they are certainly intermittent dependant on the usage of the RAM at any time.
It's not safe to continue in this way as any Kernal Panic could cause corruption to your files/system at any time.
Take it back to BestBuy and ask for replacement RAM. Most RAM has a lifetime warranty and this is either a poor spec or defective in the first place.
With Mac OS X it's often worth spending a few more dollars on quality RAM from a Mac-friendly supplier to avoid the hassle of this type of issue.
BTW what laptop do you have?
I have a Macbook, just purchased like a month ago. Runs on Mac OS X, etc. Not a "Pro"...just the regular guy
I'm going to take it back tomorrow......don't want to screw up a brand new machine!
Any suggestions for mac friendly Memory supplier???
RAMSEEKER provides a list of Mac Friendly suppliers versus cost. If the replacement RAM you recieve from BestBuy still causes issues then look at one of these suppliers that guarantees their RAM to work with Mac OS X.
have you ever used or heard anything of Kingston Technology. Someone bought me two 1 GB chips for my macbook that i guess im going to try out macbook has been declared DOA and i have to wait to get a new one.
that said....if a wrong memory chip goes into a macbook.....what type of damage can that do? I know i have to check the packaging but it says APPLE right on the packaging....