Keep in mind, though, that this is probably going to have a decent number of bugs in it since its only been recently (probably within the past month or so) that GtkRadient has successfully been able to compile and run on the Mac (well, at least with 3D acceleration, anyway).
Try going here for info on getting GtkRadient running on your Mac: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Keep in mind, though, that this is probably going to have a decent number of bugs in it since its only been recently (probably within the past month or so) that GtkRadient has successfully been able to compile and run on the Mac (well, at least with 3D acceleration, anyway).
And have you tryed to install it and make your own maps?
<strong> you think there will ever be a os x verson of this software? or will it allways stay under X11?
And have you tryed to install it and make your own maps?
I too have followed this a bit. Now that Doom III is close I hope we get an editor before 2007