Virtual PC -- Which OS?
We've discussed this a number of times, and gone back and forth, but of the following OSes, which do people most recommend for light VPC work (some Office, some web browsing + Quicken) on a 1 Ghz PowerBook.
Windows 98SE
Windows 2000
Windows XP
I don't have the energy to install all three and play until I get an answer, and checking past discussions seems to indicate that everyone has conflicting opinions--so, is anyone in agreement on this? has anyone tried a number of them and compared them, and if so on what hardware + how did it work out?
Windows 98SE
Windows 2000
Windows XP
I don't have the energy to install all three and play until I get an answer, and checking past discussions seems to indicate that everyone has conflicting opinions--so, is anyone in agreement on this? has anyone tried a number of them and compared them, and if so on what hardware + how did it work out?
it works fine
1. Why shouldn't I have installed SP3?
2. Any way to uninstall it?
<strong>Crap. Not being a Windows guy, I installed all three service packs on Win2K. So, now I'm wondering:
1. Why shouldn't I have installed SP3?
2. Any way to uninstall it?</strong><hr></blockquote>
2. Windows reinstall!
How much slower is 2000 than 98? Like how do 98, 2000, and XP compare, on my miniPowerbook w/ 640 RAM?
Also how fast does everyone think XP would run on a PBG4 12" 867mhz with 640 megs of RAM and the 60gig drive? Is it useable? I tried XP on VPC 5 with an iBook and 384 RAM in OS 9 and XP just wasn't useable. I mean I got it to boot and installed SP1 but it was just too slow. What about XP on VPC 6, 10.2.4, with a 867mhz PBG4 and 640 RAM?
[ 03-03-2003: Message edited by: Aquatic ]</p>
I have never done any updates on 98SE since I got if a few years back with VPC4. Never wanted to risk anything and I don't go on the internet or network with it.
and how are you getting all these different installs of windows?
"Stuff?" hee that sounds fishy. Sure buying a Windows CD for VPC is like buying it for a PC. And now M$ even owns VPC. I think this might actually be a Good Thing? but we'll see.
[quote] Win2000 SP3 is slow. I'm so regretting having installed it at work. <hr></blockquote>
Huh? Why is it slower, and how much slower? What does SP3 fix? Break? Etc... Sounds like business as usual for M$ tho.
So is Win2000 almost as fast as 98, or even faster!? Sounds like 2000 for me, since I've never seen it crash but I've seen 98 crash, oh, haha, I owned it, too much. Seems like Win2000 is the best version of Windows (least shitty?) there is.
<strong>Generally the best bet is to go with the earliest version of the os you can find, generally windows 98. </strong><hr></blockquote>
The later version, the slower speed?.
[quote]Originally posted by frawgz:
<strong>Windows 98 is supposedly better in VPC OS 9, and Windows 2K/XP better in VPC OS X, according to Connectix. The difference having to do with 32-bit clean issues or something.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I don't believe that. My experience is that the speed depends only on the original system requirements for a specific Windows version. And, obviously, on your hardware.
Now..on my dual 1.25.. this thing flies.. WinXP Pro (never ran WindowsUpdate)..256MB and 2GB drive set... VPC 6.. WinXP Pro fires up in 30 secounds.. of course I use "save" mode afterwards.