Problem with Mightly Mouse - I can't scroll "down"

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have been use my Mighty Mouse for around one and half years and, recently I seems unable to scroll it 'down' expected can scroll 'up or right or left'.

Then today, the 'down' scroll has stopped working. I'm only able to scroll up, left or right.

I have been checked out the Apple website for the support on this. Seems not able to solve the problem. Ever I had been tried on System Preferences > Keybroad & Mouse section. No success.

Please can you help me with this? Any solutions? Any suggestions?

Thank you,



  • Reply 1 of 3
    Your ball is clogged. I have the unfortunate affliction of clamy hands, and I have to clean my scroller-ball fairly often.

    Get some high proof alcohol, I'd recommend the following (in order). I tend to use 91% IPA, since it's cheap and easy to find, at least in the USA.

    1. Grain Alcohol (~96% ethyl)

    2. 91% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol

    3. 70% Ethyl Rubbing Alcohol

    4. 70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol

    Soak one end of a paper towel or rag in the stuff. Roll it over the ball, back, forth, left, right for a minute of so. The higher the percentage, the faster it will dry. 91% IPA dries completely in about a minute.

    I have done this with the mouse unplugged -and- plugged-in, just to see. Alcohol is electrically inert.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    It helps if you hold your mouse upside down when you rub the alcohol on it.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Thank you for your advices. I will try and find the liquid you recommended and try that at next weekend (22-23/09/07).

    I will let you know what's the progress on my mouse soon as possible.

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