manual for final cut express?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
would buy fce soon, but the interface looks very difficult,

(i have used imovie only), anywhere i could find a manual for fce to have a first impression?

searched in apple, but in vain, only FCP2



  • Reply 1 of 10
    [quote]Originally posted by firehc:

    <strong>would buy fce soon, but the interface looks very difficult,

    (i have used imovie only), anywhere i could find a manual for fce to have a first impression?

    searched in apple, but in vain, only FCP2


    there are several books out for FCP. as a novice, i'd probably go with the visual quick start guide. you can find it at most decent book stores.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    Since FCE is a cut-down version of FCP, most information regarding FCP3 should be applicable.

    I'm just learning FCP myself, and, yes, the interface can be quite intimidating to start with. That said, most of what you've learned in iMovie is translatable.

    Ought to get back to this project, anyway: a 30-minute live music recording with two cameras and a separate audio feed, all of which needs syncing up and editing together. Just about doable in iMovie, but it would take forever...
  • Reply 3 of 10
    firehcfirehc Posts: 368member
    is there any pdf verison for preview?
  • Reply 4 of 10
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    Probably not legally. Apart from which, there's usually not a great deal you can learn from a manual without having the software in front of you.

    [ 03-04-2003: Message edited by: Overhope ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 10
    firehcfirehc Posts: 368member
    think so, the investment seems inevitable.

  • Reply 6 of 10
    For what it's worth, I found that the FCP2 manual was useful for FCP3. It's written for the OS9 environment, but the basics are the same or similar. Plus it's free. Of course, at 50MB, that's relative.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    firehcfirehc Posts: 368member
    FCP2 is nice though
  • Reply 8 of 10
    doxxdoxx Posts: 41member
    I learned the basic usage of Final Cut with CD ROM Tutorials (Final Cut Power Start, $79 for a 2 CD set) from It took me just a couple of hours to start a project that would have never ever been possible in Imovie.

    Fortunately I could borrow the CDs from a coworker It might be a little bit pricey for Express though.

    Then I bought the Visual Quick Pro Guide from Peachpit Press ($29.99) It came with a demo CD of dvcreators. A great book with lots of tips and tricks...
  • Reply 9 of 10
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    FC3 came with a great tutorial book, I'd image FCE would too. Really tho its pretty easy, it'd probably be about 20mins up and running at least thats the way it was for me for FC3, to get somethen done on it that is. Now that I use it everyday I find somethen cool once a week almost.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    firehcfirehc Posts: 368member
    sounds very encouraging to me,

    thanks guys
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