The "we're done as a society" thread

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014

Can anyone remember a time when we were expected to behave differently in public that we might behave in private? As I write this, I sit at the O'Hare Airport in Chicago, waiting for a flight to Houston. I am surround but about one hundred people, many of who are speaking on mobile phones at full volume. I know that the lady across two banks of seats in front of me has a cat who is very upset with her that she is leaving it at home all alone. With my poor Spanish skills, I know that a family of 8 is looking forward to meeting an uncle newly arrived from Mexico. I have just been accosted by a number of foul-languaged songs played on someone's laptop at full volume... and the list goes on. I have made two phone calls, but I recognize the fact that the microphone on my phone is sensitive enough that I can speak in an "indoor" voice and the person on the other end can hear me just fine. I have headphones for my music... What the bloody hell has happened to civility in public? I'm only 29, but when I was a kid, I would have gotten smacked for behaving like some of these "adults" are behaving. I needed to rant and share my pain. Anyone else have good stories to tell of simple niceties disappearing in public?



  • Reply 1 of 11
    And Why Can't People Just Have Normal Ringtones... You Know, Like "ring Ring" As Opposed To "i'm A Hustler Baby... Yeah A Hustler Baby!"
  • Reply 2 of 11
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Mine's "Don't Stop Believing."

  • Reply 3 of 11
    Funky Town -- Lips Inc. But my phone is on vibrate-only whenever I'm out of the house.

    I know what you mean, Kishan: too many people have little respect for those around them.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    The worst is that fucking latin tune that everyone has....I don't know what it's called. You know the one I mean.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    ajayajay Posts: 117member
    dang! AI is almost like the Rants n Raves section on Craigslist!!!
  • Reply 6 of 11
    I can only agree entirely.

    Mobile phones, in my opinion, should be manufactured with only the option to vibrate. Ring tones should be phased out. Some of them are just AWFUL. As for these phones that act as mini ghetto blasted, their owners should be made to eat them.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    If you take tasteless ringtones as warnings about the people using them, you might find that they actually save you more grief than they cause.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    Since you are waiting (were waiting) in O'Hare, I can see why you're upset. That airport sucks to wait in.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    I've heard that people shout into their phones because the sound in the receiver is too quiet. You automatically adjust your voice to the sound that you hear. This is why people wearing head phones tend to shout, because they can't hear their own voice at the expected level.

    There was a cell phone story in the paper recently. Some guy was having a loud cell phone conversation while pacing around a coffee shop. The reporter sort of glared at him for disturbing the peace when the cell phone guy confronted him with "hey, this is a private conversation!" Amazing.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    If you take tasteless ringtones as warnings about the people using them, you might find that they actually save you more grief than they cause.

    Agreed. A few months ago a person was interviewing with my company for a job... and in the middle of the interview her phone rang... "Suck My Dick" by Lil Kim certainly was a *stellar* choice.

    Don't call us, we'll call you.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    Originally Posted by Jubelum View Post

    Agreed. A few months ago a person was interviewing with my company for a job... and in the middle of the interview her phone rang... "Suck My Dick" by Lil Kim certainly was a *stellar* choice.

    Don't call us, we'll call you.

    Impressive,? ?Most, Impressive.
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