itunes stripped cover art

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014

So I just update itunes to 7.4.3(i think the 3 is right). I also just got my new ipod touch. Anyway, I updated it, loaded it up and started enjoying.

First thing I noticed? All the cover art that was attached to albums that came from somewhere other than Itunes (ie music that had been burned onto computer from previously owned cds) is GONE. It's not in Itunes and it is showing up as blank in hte cover flow on the ipod. This happened both to music that was burned through the itunes interface and music that was burned using Media Monkey.

What gives? The cover art was there in my previous versions of itunes and on my earlier ipods! Does anyone know if this was an update problem? A problem on my part? I want my pretty pictures to enjoy in my super cool cover flow mode!

Thanks for the help,


  • Reply 1 of 1
    ivan pivan p Posts: 52member
    A similar thing happened to me when I updated to 7.4.3, except it was all of the stuff I'd gotten from iTunes that no longer had art. Very puzzling and very annoying, I agree.
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