unexpected free gift with appletv!

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
i bought an appletv and they decided to throw in a free gift. i didnt even know apple made these. the ultra small apple room heater. i mean COME ON! this thing is f'ing HOT even when its asleep! i cooked breakfast on it this morning. i think they could market it to college dorms. its a video player heater and u can cook on it!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by shady104 View Post

    i bought an appletv and they decided to throw in a free gift. i didnt even know apple made these. the ultra small apple room heater. i mean COME ON! this thing is f'ing HOT even when its asleep! i cooked breakfast on it this morning. i think they could market it to college dorms. its a video player heater and u can cook on it!

    Mine isn't that hot - it has been powered on for several months now, and it is cooler than a Wii in standby mode. I think yours must be broken.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Y, mine is pretty warm also, but the entire case is designed as a heat sync of sorts.

    Frankly it gets no warmer than my 'n' Airport Extremes.
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