G4 Cube, Anyone?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
This may be in the wrong forum but I didn't see any "Marketplace

" section or anything...

I'm looking for a G4 Cube, dead or alive... preferably dead so I can breathe new life into it. I'm mostly concerned with the quality of the exterior. So if you have a Cube that you want to get rid of (or know someone who does) please reply or PM me.




  • Reply 1 of 1
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    I do not, but there's of course eBay, and I'd also recommend craigslist. Since a cube is very shippable, try the SF Bay area craigslist, which is not only the most active area for craiglist, but is also probably the area of the world with the highest Apple market share. They're the home team! . . . not those bastards in Washington.
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