why doesn't anyone have the new keyboards yet?
i've checked online at my local best buy and futureshop and none of them even have them listed. they only have the old white ones which i don't want to buy because they're selling them for the same price as the new ones. i don't feel like ordering the keyboard online from the apple store cause i can't bare the anticipation. i've already gone through it twice in the passed week
( got my ipod touch and macbook pro). anyone know why there's none in the stores yet? ( ps i live in quebec canada

I bought the wired version at the 5th Ave. New York store during my vacation about 2 months ago, at that time the local Apple Store (Bellevue Square) didn't have it on the shelf. On the other hand, I have never seen the wireless model in real life, but some people were already using it.
I picked up the wireless version today at the marlton, nj store.
i'm going to my local best buy today, i'm gonna ask someone. i have to get a new mouse anyways
i've checked online at my local best buy and futureshop and none of them even have them listed. they only have the old white ones which i don't want to buy because they're selling them for the same price as the new ones. i don't feel like ordering the keyboard online from the apple store cause i can't bare the anticipation. i've already gone through it twice in the passed week
They're in the Seattle (University) store. Granted, that's not in your backyard, but another data point. I got one for someone else last week. It's not bad.
They're in the Seattle (University) store. Granted, that's not in your backyard, but another data point. I got one for someone else last week. It's not bad.
This just in. One of my buds who works at future shop has told me that they do not have the new keyboards and they have no idea when they will be getting them in. Apparently no one has them here. That's ghey. I really don't feel like ordering online again.