Nokia and their iPhone 'killer'

in iPhone edited January 2014
Just shown off in London... this may be what I'm REALLY looking for.

An 'iPhone' that actually allows you to use it to its full potential (like 3rd party apps, Bluetooth that works, etc)

It looks unfortunately a lot thicker and there is no price yet (although I wouldn't be surprised if it was 400-600euro range) and no real date.

Maybe Apple will have a really fully featured iPhone by then or what

Check video:


Nokia is showing off their new S60 Touch Interface at the Symbian Smartphone Show today. Unlike their last attempt, this effort was demonstrated on a more Nokia-like concept device. The touch-interface supports haptic feedback and accepts both finger and stylus inputs depending upon the display technology used. Feast your eyes on the video after the break until all the details become available.

Update: The press release is out and with it, more information about the new S60 software: existing S60 3rd Edition apps will run on touch-enabled devices unmodified (but can be further enhanced, natch); generic proximity and light sensors supported; a UI Accelerator Toolkit enables "impressive" graphical effects; and Flash Video will be supported in the S60 web browser. Available to S60 device manufacturers "during 2008." A bit more specificity please, Nokia?



  • Reply 1 of 55
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    And, yeay, it even has Flash Lite 3 running on it... and Haptic Feedback! cool...

    FYI, Nokia press release:
  • Reply 2 of 55
    Looks like Apple may have pointed the direction only to see it co-opted by someone else. Maybe now, Apple will be a tad more responsive on new applications for the iPhone. What I will like about the Nokia is they will probable unlease all sorts of 3rd party applications.

    It is refreshing to know that not all manufacturers want to control those who buy their products. I think Apple needs competition badly....
  • Reply 3 of 55
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by tutumiles1 View Post

    Looks like Apple may have pointed the direction only to see it co-opted by someone else. Maybe now, Apple will be a tad more responsive on new applications for the iPhone. What I will like about the Nokia is they will probable unlease all sorts of 3rd party applications.

    It is refreshing to know that not all manufacturers want to control those who buy their products. I think Apple needs competition badly....

    Apple needs competition badly?

    The iPhone has been on the market for what.. 15 weeks now? Apple has 15 freaking weeks in the cut-throat business of cell phone manufacturing and you think it's position is being co-opted?

    Damn. You sure give Apple more credit than I do. I bet Steve wishes he had the control you obviously attribute to him.
  • Reply 4 of 55
    Was Nokia ever considered innovative?
  • Reply 5 of 55
    I think Apple will be in for a tough time trying to beat whatever Nokia bring out with the iphone sucessor let alone the iphone current.

    With full flash support on browsing and the gestures and accelerometer we saw on the previous video promo it seems Nokia designed what Apple really should have.

    If theres one thing im happy for with the iphone release, its so Nokia got into gear by geting ready for this.

    Key highlights for S60 touch interface will include:

    It will be able to support devices with and without keyboard, stylus and finger inputs

    It will provide tactile feedback via haptics technologies

    The interface will be multilingual with support Asian languages as well

    Advanced sensor framework and UI acceleration toolkit will be provided for developers for easier adoption

    Multiple gestures will be supported. Possibility for users and developers to customize them provided

    It will be backwards compatible with older S60 applications

    Embedded Flash Lite 3 for desktop like video experience

    First products with touch support will become available in 2008

    Im so looking forward to this. I was tossing up between the N95 8gb and the iphone but this is clearly the way to go. I dont see how the iphone can compete with such a device on any level now to be honest.
  • Reply 6 of 55
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    I dont see how the iphone can compete with such a device on any level now to be honest.

    Really? Because, you see, there's this really cool feature of the iPhone called 'Software Update'. And as far as the hardware is concerned, I think you can bet that there will be some changes there too.
  • Reply 7 of 55
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I think Apple will be in for a tough time trying to beat whatever Nokia bring out with the iphone sucessor let alone the iphone current.

    Unless you have some special access into Apple's development labs how could you possibly know this.


    Key highlights for S60 touch interface will include:

    The feature list is not the only variable that determines a good device. How well does the phone work and how easy is it to use?
  • Reply 8 of 55
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    Originally Posted by darngooddesign View Post

    Was Nokia ever considered innovative?

    Are you serious??

    Until the iPhone, Nokia was the most user friendly UI of any phone. In my opinion it was the most Mac-like...

    Anyway, there's a ton of stuff they've come up with over the decades..
  • Reply 9 of 55
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Double Post.
  • Reply 10 of 55
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by ZO View Post

    An 'iPhone' that actually allows you to use it to its full potential (like 3rd party apps, Bluetooth that works, etc)


    Well, the iPhone is here and now.

    As far as iPhone utilizing it's full potential... You don't actually think the iPhone will remain static, do you?
  • Reply 11 of 55
    Bla bla bla, we've heard it all before. But nothing has even come close to offering the iPhone experience let alone 'killing' it. Nokia have been knocking out crap bits of plastic for years and I don't expect this to be any different. It may have some cool features listed on paper, but when you come to use it, it will be a shite site worse than you expected.
  • Reply 12 of 55
    I hope all the comments about the iPhone and its ability to stay in the fight are correct. I will mention however that regardless of what is possible out of the Apple "Think Tank", they will not be able to have a closed system that beats all companies and ALL third party applications.

    I regularly get updates from Handago because I purchased software for several of the SmartPhone PC phone devices I have had in the past. Some of those third party applications are outstanding. The leading reason why I was excited for the iPhone and purchased one is because i have a MacBookPro and the syncing was always problematic. It was at all that those third party applications and the other devices were interesting and good devices.

    I am pulling for Apple but find some of the approaches witnessed over the "iPhone weeks of existence" to be paternalistic and not always user and first adapter friendly... The battle is now enjoined and we will all get the chance to observe.
  • Reply 13 of 55
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    they will not be able to have a closed system that beats all companies and ALL third party applications.

    I agree with this. I don't believe it wise for Apple to block 3rd party apps indefinitely. I believe this will eventually happen, Apple is moving iPhone development in stages. Most likely only selected apps that meet Apple's approval. Which is fine with me as it assures the apps will be of proper quality.
  • Reply 14 of 55

    I sure hope you are correct. This is a pivotal time for Apple. It kinda reminds you of the launching of Apple and MicroSoft. One was open and the other closed. Jobs gets the chance at it once again.

    While I am sure Apple has their reasons, I simply seek the ability to do with my purchase as I please and I will surely give third parties a shot... They deserve it and it is the entrepreneurial spirit that we all admire.
  • Reply 15 of 55
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Unless you have some special access into Apple's development labs how could you possibly know this.

    The feature list is not the only variable that determines a good device. How well does the phone work and how easy is it to use?

    Well firstly there are of course the 2 videos, the first being the one we have seen yesterday and then this one being this one which right away shows off an accelerometer as well as a gesture for veiwing pics in the same manner as which you can on the iphone.

    Secondly well look at what specs Nokia include in their high end devices in 2007. Its quite plain to see that no other manufacturer offers as much in one package as Nokia can do.

    5MP Camera with AF

    VGA Video capture up to 30fps

    WIFI 802.11b/g



    and they have now said these devices will have full flash support, something the iphone should have really had.

    Based on these factors its really more of a case of when rather than if. And when do I predict such a device will be announced. I predict either in December or January. Im not sure if they will wait for Jobs to announce the iphone2 before making their own move but it will be ready for release by the time the iphone 2 hits the stores which should be q3 08.

    Originally Posted by iPeon View Post


    Well, the iPhone is here and now.

    As far as iPhone utilizing it's full potential... You don't actually think the iPhone will remain static, do you?

    Thats quite a contradictory statement there. One one hand you are rubbishing any potnetial devices from Nokia stating the iphone is "here and now" yet you ask for time in the hope that iphone will allow 3rd party applications?

    I remember all of you saying before "they will add video capture via a software update" or "they will allow mp3s to be used as ringtones with the 1st update".

    Well its here and now and where is it?

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I agree with this. I don't believe it wise for Apple to block 3rd party apps indefinitely. I believe this will eventually happen, Apple is moving iPhone development in stages. Most likely only selected apps that meet Apple's approval. Which is fine with me as it assures the apps will be of proper quality.

    Why do you not think this will happen? They still use the same closed itunes system for transfering of content onto ipods and the iphone so there is nothing really to suggest they will allow 3rd party apps other than cries of "becasue i want it" on forums.

    Originally Posted by SpinDrift View Post

    Bla bla bla, we've heard it all before. But nothing has even come close to offering the iPhone experience let alone 'killing' it. Nokia have been knocking out crap bits of plastic for years and I don't expect this to be any different. It may have some cool features listed on paper, but when you come to use it, it will be a shite site worse than you expected.

    A fanboyistic statement if ive ever heard one. Whilst you all are commenting on 1,000,000 iphones sold Nokia sold more that that in shorter time and they were only low end handsets.

    I think you should really give Nokia more credibility. Sure they have had some issues inn the past but its not like the iphone doesnt right? I mean do I really need to go into detail on whats missing from the iphone.

    If you put the features of the N95 in with touch screen device you have one hell of a phone on your hands. By the way when have Nokia said it all before? Up until now the only other hint we have had was that other video showing an accelerometer and finger slide gesture at the N81 announcment?

    I think a lot of you need to open your eyes to the fact that the iphone isnt as revolutionary as you were fooled into thinking. Nokia have been making phones for years and they are the market share leaders, if you think one severley feature lacking phone with a fancy UI from Apple will be enough to rubbish what Nokia are capable of then im afraid you need a reality check. You can all bask in the fact that the iphone still has that wow factor for now but how long do you expect that to last once Nokia properly announce their touch screen range.

    Ill leave you with one final article. Its on ScreenPlay and FreeWay-technologies,which will be used in Symbian.

    In particular here is just one thing they have already managed to do relativly quick.

    "To demonstrate this technology Symbian has created a couple of applications. One shows a cover-flow album selector, which was written in under two weeks using OpenVG. Over the cover-flow a scrolling ticker is displayed as well as a semi-transparent incoming call notification, all while the cover-flow view is still flipping over"
  • Reply 16 of 55
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    In particular here is just one thing they have already managed to do relativly quick.

    "To demonstrate this technology Symbian has created a couple of applications. One shows a cover-flow album selector, which was written in under two weeks using OpenVG. Over the cover-flow a scrolling ticker is displayed as well as a semi-transparent incoming call notification, all while the cover-flow view is still flipping over"

    WOW that's exactly what I want in a phone! Oh wait I already got it, yeah exactly what you described. You said iPhone isn't as revolutionary as we thought while posting links to others progress in copying it. I think what you meant to say is Apple doesn't have the marketshare Nokia does. Referencing someones progress to a vapourware phone with vapourware software which is blatantly ripping off the iPhone by specifically referencing a set of features the iPhone already has and does, while telling me Apple isn't as revolutionary as we thought? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot my friend. How much use are you getting out of a blog update to vapourware? Probably not as much as my iPhone is giving me.

    Don't forget show and tell is nice and all but Apple has a few hundred patents on the iphone including touch gestures. Showing concepts is one thing, selling and not getting sued into the next life is another.

    Might want to check this link out too...

    Here's an interesting tidbit...

    "We are pleased to announce that all CoverFlow technology and intellectual property was recently sold to Apple. It has been incorporated into the latest version of iTunes."

    Doesn't look like coverflow will be found on a non Apple device for quite some time.
  • Reply 17 of 55
    Originally Posted by Notorious View Post

    WOW that's exactly what I want in a phone! Oh wait I already got it, yeah exactly what you described. You said iPhone isn't as revolutionary as we thought while posting links to others progress in copying it. I think what you meant to say is Apple doesn't have the marketshare Nokia does. Referencing someones progress to a vapourware phone with vapourware software which is blatantly ripping off the iPhone by specifically referencing a set of features the iPhone already has and does, while telling me Apple isn't as revolutionary as we thought? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot my friend. How much use are you getting out of a blog update to vapourware? Probably not as much as my iPhone is giving me.

    Don't forget show and tell is nice and all but Apple has a few hundred patents on the iphone including touch gestures. Showing concepts is one thing, selling and not getting sued into the next life is another.

    Might want to check this link out too...

    Here's an interesting tidbit...

    "We are pleased to announce that all CoverFlow technology and intellectual property was recently sold to Apple. It has been incorporated into the latest version of iTunes."

    Doesn't look like coverflow will be found on a non Apple device for quite some time.

    Didnt Apple say the same thing with multitouch and gestures but only a month or 2 ago Nokia demonstrated the picture finger slider motion on a phone?

    As for vapourware several of these upcoming devices do exists and I happen to know of someone who has even tested one of them. I urge you to keep this thread bookmarked as in the next 2 months you will be eating those words my friend. Watch this space....
  • Reply 18 of 55
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    Didnt Apple say the same thing with multitouch and gestures but only a month or 2 ago Nokia demonstrated the picture finger slider motion on a phone?

    As for vapourware several of these upcoming devices do exists and I happen to know of someone who has even tested one of them. I urge you to keep this thread bookmarked as in the next 2 months you will be eating those words my friend. Watch this space....

    Ok first thing demonstrating is fine. Companies do it all the time. Really I'm serious all the time. They demonstrate what's possible on a platform to get developers interested. Doesn't mean it's legal to do and that's what must be sorted before bringing a product to market. What you are posting as proof of an iminent release is nothing more than marketing fluff for symbian os and nokia's future phones. Showing what's possible doesn't mean it's possible to legally release it. The site your posting on has examples of this all the time.

    Here's an easy link of this in the wild.

    Did you read that story? Does that look like an iphone? Does that mean intel is gonna launch that thing? No it's a demo to show the potential of the platform.

    Intel did this a whole bunch before Apple switched making exact copies of the mac mini and powerbook to demonstrate their chips could be used.

    I assure you coverflow and touch gestures and a host of other things will not show up in competitors handset in the U.S. and Europe.

    Once again as well Apple is not revolutionary but your citing Nokia demonstrating Apple technology. Hmmm......
  • Reply 19 of 55
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    If the press release and the video are anything to go by, this appears to be Nokia's answer to PalmOS and Windows Mobile Professional (whichever one has the touchscreen support), and even Symbian with UIQ. Perhaps not an answer exactly, but an implementation of a feature.

    I don't see how this is copying the iPhone OS X finger-input-based GUI. All the GUI elements in the video are for a stylus driven UI. In addition, they want to keep backwards compatibility to the 2-soft key + D-pad input type apps, so I can't imagine much changing except that a stylus or a finger can interact with existing S60 based app designs. So, I think all it is is to have a competitor to Windows Mobile phones that have touchscreen input.

    None of the hallmarks of iPhone GUI design are there in the video: no large text lists, no gestures, cool icons, buttons suitable for fingers, multi-touch input (zooming in/out), etc. It's using some of the cool transition animations though.

    Other that, if the video is anything to go by: small screen elements like the pull-down menu, the micro-sized QWERTY on-screen keypad (the finger based text input UI was not shown), stylus-based scrollbars, and really busy interface using questionable color combinations, it's mostly going to be the current S60 UI with a one touch interface. I can do this with my Treo 650 right now, and obviously, Windows Mobile phone users have been doing this for awhile now too.

    The usage of sensors is interesting though. That could be something that is Apple-inspired. Apple didn't originate the idea, but I definitely think they reinvigorated the usage of onboard instrumentation for UI usage.

    I like that Nokia is going to implement at least Flash video so that .flv files can be viewed. Something I hope Apple does as I think they've already lost this format war. Something that Jobs most be leaning pretty close to as he says Flash is a possibility for the iPhone.
  • Reply 20 of 55
    Originally Posted by Notorious View Post

    Ok first thing demonstrating is fine. Companies do it all the time. Really I'm serious all the time. They demonstrate what's possible on a platform to get developers interested. Doesn't mean it's legal to do and that's what must be sorted before bringing a product to market. What you are posting as proof of an iminent release is nothing more than marketing fluff for symbian os and nokia's future phones. Showing what's possible doesn't mean it's possible to legally release it. The site your posting on has examples of this all the time.

    Here's an easy link of this in the wild.

    Did you read that story? Does that look like an iphone? Does that mean intel is gonna launch that thing? No it's a demo to show the potential of the platform.

    Intel did this a whole bunch before Apple switched making exact copies of the mac mini and powerbook to demonstrate their chips could be used.

    I assure you coverflow and touch gestures and a host of other things will not show up in competitors handset in the U.S. and Europe.

    Once again as well Apple is not revolutionary but your citing Nokia demonstrating Apple technology. Hmmm......

    There is a difference between a video of a concept interface/device and a video showing what will be coming soon. They have shown 2 videos in the last 2 months of such an interface so I doubt they would be so silly to only show these videos if they wernt going to release them
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