Interesting stuff you find in Apples dictionary

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I was writing a post in another forum and for comic effect used the phrase "heaven forfend" I then clicked on "forfend" to ensure I wasn't using it out of context, and so losing the comic intent behind what I was saying.

From Apples dictionary.

forfend |fôr?fend| verb [ trans. ]

1 archaic avert, keep away, or prevent (something evil or unpleasant).

2 (also forefend) protect (something) by precautionary measures.

PHRASES Heaven (or God) forfend archaic or humorous used to express dismay or horror at the thought of something happening : Invite him back? Heaven forfend! | God forfend that we should allow the media to tell us how to run our business.

Given Apples "relationship" with the media I thought the highlighted text was rather funny.

Have you found anything humorous in the dictionary?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,515moderator
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Have you found anything humorous in the dictionary?

    Nope but the Shake manual has a node tree in one of the examples where one of the clips is dance monkey boy, which I'm sure you'll know is the clip of Steve Ballmer dancing around like an idiot on stage at some keynote - type dance monkey boy into youtube and you'll find the video.
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