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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Apple will be selling very few iMacs right now until march, when they're all ready. That's probably when the G5s will be ready as well. With a new look, of course.

So APple desides to not do the G5 announcement (the other 30 minutes scheduled that was left out)

until Feb, so that they can still sell computers.

But hey - buy a 733 G4 with combo drive and 15 inch display for $2200, or buy a 800G4 with Superdrive

and 15 inch display, minus the expandibility, for $1800.


G5s are right around the corner. I think.

I guess MacWorld Tokyo?

Love Andrew


  • Reply 1 of 10
    Most reasonably credible sources say the 7460 is going to be ready in early '02.

    I guess 1/7/02 was a little too early......

    Powermac fans: hold out. Big things are coming.

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  • Reply 2 of 10
    deestardeestar Posts: 105member
    Maybe it's a case of 10.2(64bit)is not ready yet.

    When is 10.2 going to be coming out?
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  • Reply 3 of 10
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    10.2 will allegedly show up some time around MWNY.

    That's a long time to wait for a PM refresh, especially since the iMac just narrowed the gap between the consumer and pro models considerably.

    There are two possibilities as far as I can see: Either the rumors are wrong and 10.2 (or whatever the 64 bit update ends up being) is coming out much sooner; or the 64-bit hardware will appear in advance of the OS, taking advantage of the PPC's 32 bit compatibility.

    The pro line didn't even get speed bumped, so I expect those machines will be overhauled within 90 days (Apple Event? MWTY? Seybold NY?).

    Since the iMac's price ceiling just jumped $300, I wonder if my guess wasn't right, and the PowerMac will exit the midrange altogether and start over $2K - a lot of money for a lot of power.
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  • Reply 4 of 10
    PLEASE keep in mind that the next update does not have to be the G5. If this is what we have in our minds, we are all going to be disappointed. At this point, I would be giddy over a 1.4GHz G4. The G5 will come when it comes. I'd rather be quick now than wait until its introduction.
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  • Reply 5 of 10
    deestardeestar Posts: 105member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>10.2 will allegedly show up some time around MWNY.

    That's a long time to wait for a PM refresh, especially since the iMac just narrowed the gap between the consumer and pro models considerably.

    There are two possibilities as far as I can see: Either the rumors are wrong and 10.2 (or whatever the 64 bit update ends up being) is coming out much sooner; or the 64-bit hardware will appear in advance of the OS, taking advantage of the PPC's 32 bit compatibility.

    The pro line didn't even get speed bumped, so I expect those machines will be overhauled within 90 days (Apple Event? MWTY? Seybold NY?).

    Since the iMac's price ceiling just jumped $300, I wonder if my guess wasn't right, and the PowerMac will exit the midrange altogether and start over $2K - a lot of money for a lot of power.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thanks for the info

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  • Reply 6 of 10
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Yeah that'd make sense, I already thought of that weeks ago. 10.2 is MWNY, the last I heard, maybe MWTK if they get some bloodhounds into the Mac OS X developers offices.

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  • Reply 7 of 10
    The lack of a speed bump now increases the likelyhood of a G5 in the near future. If apple was working on slightly faster G4s they would have been able to get them ready by now. It seems that they are waiting to knock us out with the G5. Which, by the way, is fine with me
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  • Reply 8 of 10
    It just seems like they have to do whatever they're going to do fast. Cause right now the low-end PowerMac is more expensive than the better-equiped high-end iMac.

    And any new Powermacs must come with Superdrive.

    I'm going for Tokyo.

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  • Reply 9 of 10
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Apple must be planning a Powermac overhaul before MWNY 02, because if they were planning on keeping it the same until NY, they could've bumped it today to probably 1GHZ. Something must be coming around March. When is Tokyo?
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  • Reply 10 of 10
    elppaelppa Posts: 5member
    yea, i was very angry that the pro models didnt even get a mere speed burst, considering that intel and AMD just released processers close to 3 times the speed of the fastest G4 chip, but maybe its for the better and they didnt want to boost the speed becuase newer and better models are just around the corner.
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