Leopard and Pro Apps

in macOS edited January 2014
What's the verdict? I've been looking around and I haven't found much conclusive information. I have Final Cut Studio 2 installed, do I need to do a clean install of leopard?

Edit: I did a little bit of research and I'd rather do an upgrade or archive and install. Can anyone give me a recommendation?

Edit #2: I did the basic install and all pro apps are working fine, thanks anyway


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Originally Posted by buddha View Post

    What's the verdict? I've been looking around and I haven't found much conclusive information. I have Final Cut Studio 2 installed, do I need to do a clean install of leopard?

    Edit: I did a little bit of research and I'd rather do an upgrade or archive and install. Can anyone give me a recommendation?

    Edit #2: I did the basic install and all pro apps are working fine, thanks anyway

    Adobe CS3 Studio has many issues:

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