HELP! Data Recovery for photos - lost resolution

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Well, I bought a RAID system, and during backing up my files, I lost my entire iPhoto library (don't ask). Anyway, I used a file recovery program and got just about everything back, but, even though my photos are the correct file size (2-5MB per photo), iPhoto thinks most of them are only 320X250ish pixels. Same with preview and other Jpg viewers.

Is there some way to recover this lost resolution?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    You can try Stellar Phoenix Macintosh Data recovery software. It helps to recover lost, damaged, deleted or corrupted MAC volumes. Stellar Phoenix Mac Recovers data from Mac OS X & Max Classic OS hard drives based on HFS, HFS+, HFSX and HFS Wrapper file systems. Recover data from inaccessible internal and external hard drives including Lacie, USB, FireWire and other storage media.

    For more information:
  • Reply 2 of 2
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I've had really good luck with exif-untrasher. Since you have a RAID, you likely have the drive space to recover them. Thing is, there is a image and preview saved in those files and it looks like you only recovered the previews. Your files have not shrunk, they are incomplete. You still need to recover if it is possible.
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