leopard default permissions locking me out of all new files!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
hi all,

so i just upgraded to leopard and am having some big problems with default file permissions. i haven't seen other talk about it so i assume it's a problem with my set up. basically i am locked out of all newly created files by default. if i log into a user account and create a file (for example a test text document using textedit) the system creates the following file;

-rw-r--r--@ 1 wheel 304 1 Nov 12:42 test.rtf

now, i'm no unix expert, but it seems to me that those are root user permissions? i can change permissions on the file but as soon as i save it again leopard uses the previous permissions and i am locked out of the file

please help out, i'm sure this isn't too difficult to fix but it's stopping me doing anything at all i've used server tools workgroup manager to play with groups in the past so that may be causing the problem




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