Home network speeds suddenly drop - Potential cause?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a home network setup with the following configuration:

Cable Modem --> AirPort Extreme (with NAT turned on) --> Wired Router (with NAT turned off) --> Wired Router (with NAT turned off)

The Airport is distributing IP addresses and an Internet connection for both the wireless and wired sides of the network.

I am getting speeds that are pathetically slow (~.25 MB/s) through the wired network and even slower speeds wirelessly. I have never been able to get anything decent through the wireless network but when plugged in, the wired network speeds were acceptable. What steps can I take to try and fix this problem?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    My friend had a similar problem. try taking one (or all) of the routers out of the equation, and plug the modem directly into your mac. this should result in a speed-up, and then you can add the routers in one at a time, to see which one (or combination) is causing the problem.
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