MacBook seems to be running very hot recently

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have an Intel 2.16 GHz MacBook with 1 GB RAM and 120 GB HD running under Leopard (OSX 10.5). It is 3 months old and there is not a lot on it yet. HD is only half full.

I have recently noticed that the fans seem to be spinning up a lot. When I check iStatPro in Dashboard, it frequently says that the CPU is about 70 C and the fan speeds are in the 6000 rpm range.

Previously, it seemed to stay within the 1800 to 2000 rpm range most of the time, except for some problems I had with NetNewsWire and, of course, any time I try to watch a YouTube video that is longer than a few seconds (Flash and MacBooks don't seem to get along).

I have just started running Time Machine and that seems to take a lot of CPU cycles, which always corresponds to higher temps. Also if Spotlight is indexing, it will peg my temps at 70 C and leave them there until finished.

So, my questions are:
  1. Is this normal?

  2. Would installing more RAM--taking it to 2 GB RAM--make a difference to the heating problem (if it is a problem).

  3. Any other suggestions are welcomed.

Thanks for all help.


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