ipod touch version 2 suggestions...

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
just wanted to get people's thoughts on what they think apple should include in the next version of the ipod touch. My suggestions are as follows:

1) in-built radio (FM and DAB digital radio) with the ability to record live radio stations directly on to the ipod

2) longer battery life

3)standard headjack so you can use your own headphones

4)voice memo recorder

5) larger memory capacity (32 GB? 64GB?)

also when do people think the next version of the touch is likey to be introduced? my guess is the middle of next year...?


  • Reply 1 of 13
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    just wanted to get people's thoughts on what they think apple should include in the next version of the ipod touch. My suggestions are as follows:

    1) in-built radio (FM and DAB digital radio) with the ability to record live radio stations directly on to the ipod

    2) longer battery life

    3)standard headjack so you can use your own headphones

    4)voice memo recorder

    5) larger memory capacity (32 GB? 64GB?)

    also when do people think the next version of the touch is likey to be introduced? my guess is the middle of next year...?


    1. Bluetooth keyboard support

    2. Physical volume controls

    3. Mail


    1. Video camera

    Macworld January?
  • Reply 2 of 13
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    On point 3, the iPodTouch does accept standard headphones.

    Of course more memory. And I'd also like to see the current model able to use the ipod radio remote. That would put radio in there and, more importantly, provide hardware controls for ipod playback.
  • Reply 3 of 13
    i'm pretty sure that apple wouldn't lock you in with their own set of headphones..
  • Reply 4 of 13
    dose apple really lock you with their own headphones
  • Reply 5 of 13
    No, you can use whatever headphones you want with a Touch, as long as they fit in other iPods.
  • Reply 6 of 13
    Well, I've never had an iPod nor any other mp3 player even though I do listen to music a lot. The problem with the touch for me is that it simply doesn't have enough storage and it seems so much better than the iPod classic that I don't feel like getting that either.

    As it stands I would get the touch if it provided around 40GB.

    Other features I'd like to see?

    Well, I'd like it to be more of a PDA, I'd like to be able to view or even edit documents. I don't want a radio or anything like that.

    Primarily though it's an mp3 player, the most important thing for me is sound quality and for it to be able to output to a decent pair of headphones without the need for an amp. I've got Beyerdynamic DT860s but I'm not too sure they'd work too well.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    I'd be happy if the touch could play flash video on the website. It would be nice to watch the videos on nfl.com.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    Not to be Scrooge here, but many of these wishes will not be granted, kids. Apple is in the business of building Apple.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    The wishes may not be granted, but then I get to keep my money too while I wait for the next great product.
  • Reply 10 of 13
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Not to be Scrooge here, but many of these wishes will not be granted, kids. Apple is in the business of building Apple.

    You know, kids, he's probably right - but it doesn't take the fun away from dreaming, now does it?

    That's half the fun of being a kid!
  • Reply 11 of 13
    Originally Posted by jammiedodger View Post

    As it stands I would get the touch if it provided around 40GB.

    I forsee a 32 GB Touch in the not-too-distant future. (Not like next month, but in the next 6-12 months, whenever they refresh the iPods)

    As for Mail, heck, they could put it on the Touch right now if Apple wasn't being stingy about it. I'm sick of hearing the argument that the Touch is just a media player (with an internet browser, youtube, calendar, calculator and contact list). I'm hoping they'll make the Mail app available as an option when they open the iPhone/Touch up to 3rd party development. Maps would come in handy as well, though not as much as on the iPhone (can't figure out which exit to take unless you somehow have wifi in your car).

    Don't get me wrong; I like my iPod Touch as it is. I just don't think Mail is too much to ask for when we already have a browser, YouTube and the iTunes Store, but can't use them without wifi.
  • Reply 12 of 13
    I'd like the ability to store my own website on it, so that I can access it while out of wi-fi range.
  • Reply 13 of 13
    i believe a lot of the things people are hoping for on the ipod touch are very easy for apple to do. radio, bigger memory, bluetooth, etc are standard on a number of the media players. what really frutrates me is that apple will no doubt include these in later models as a way of justifying the continued high price of the ipod, and people will then have to pay out again for the 'enhanced product'. apple makes the consumer almost always feel like a beta tester - helping iron out product problems until the last iteration, which is like the complete product. NOT FAIR!

    macworld will probably see improved versions of the ipod touch, and i suspect a major feature enhancement in the ipod touch around sep 2008...
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