RAM causes Leopard install to fail.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I was wondering if anyone has had problems installing Leopard due to the RAM installed. I ask this because this is what happened with myself. I purchased 2gb of RAM from www.macsales.com (OWC) and it worked perfectly fine with Tiger, but the minute I tried to install Leopard, it would fail. Now I'm back to 512mb...I believe there is a lifetime warranty on the RAM I bought, but I was wondering if I should trust the RAM that OWC sends me if I exercise the warranty. What do you all think?

By the way, the brand of RAM is Techworks.



  • Reply 1 of 7
    Originally Posted by rafa View Post

    I was wondering if anyone has had problems installing Leopard due to the RAM installed. I ask this because this is what happened with myself. I purchased 2gb of RAM from www.macsales.com (OWC) and it worked perfectly fine with Tiger, but the minute I tried to install Leopard, it would fail. Now I'm back to 512mb...I believe there is a lifetime warranty on the RAM I bought, but I was wondering if I should trust the RAM that OWC sends me if I exercise the warranty. What do you all think?

    By the way, the brand of RAM is Techworks.


    You're not alone:


    I have included my reference over under:

  • Reply 2 of 7
    Originally Posted by rafa View Post

    I was wondering if anyone has had problems installing Leopard due to the RAM installed. I ask this because this is what happened with myself. I purchased 2gb of RAM from www.macsales.com (OWC) and it worked perfectly fine with Tiger, but the minute I tried to install Leopard, it would fail. Now I'm back to 512mb...I believe there is a lifetime warranty on the RAM I bought, but I was wondering if I should trust the RAM that OWC sends me if I exercise the warranty. What do you all think?

    By the way, the brand of RAM is Techworks.


    It's not the RAM. This is happening to G4, G5 and Intel boxes. This doesn't happen under 10.4.

    The discussion at the Apple board and my own issues with Essentials Package failing to validate status via the installdb (sqlite) is leaving me investigating on how to disable package validation to bypass such an issue.

    I've swapped out ram and it doesn't change.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    rafarafa Posts: 25member
    that's interesting...

    for myself it was the ram, the minute I swapped it out with the original, the install was a breeze. I wasn't getting the essentials package failure though, but I got multiple failures such as "BSD package could not be verified," "Base package could not be verified," and even that the disc was damaged. I'm interested in what is going on with yours though...hmm?
  • Reply 4 of 7
    Sorry to bump this, but I've had the same issues, but with my 2 gigs of Crucial RAM.

    I removed it, and now don't have enough RAM to run the installer.

    I ordered a gig from Apple (I know, I shouldn't have), so if I get it working, at least I'll have more memory.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    that's really strange... I have 4Gb of G.Skill running on my 24" iMac. When I got the computer in november, I installed the RAM and ran the 10.5 Upgrade disk with no problems. Are you guys having these issues with older computers or newer ones?
  • Reply 6 of 7
    Originally Posted by CNUco2007 View Post

    Are you guys having these issues with older computers or newer ones?

    I think its both.

    By the way, here's another thread on the same subject: http://forums.appleinsider.com/showthread.php?t=81286
  • Reply 7 of 7
    I have tried with all new memory from Kingston in all 4 slots of a G5 and it will not work. I installed 1 GB of memory in the first 2 slots of a pair and it works. I then add the 4 pieces of Kngston back in and it will not work. I remove the 2 paired inside slots and replace with the original 1GB of memory leaving the Kingston in the outer paired slots and it works. The inner paired slots are not Apple memory either. Another 3rd party. I have switched the Kingston memory around too and made sure that either pair works and they do. So go figure.
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