G5 proof?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Sorry if the title sounds misleading but I was wondering:

If the G5 isn't ready or won't be coming out in Jan won't even the thought of it hold off sales of current G4s and not to mention the level of disspoinment following the show leading to lower sales because of no G5, wouldn't that spark Apple to deny G5's release at MWSF? It would be in Apple's best intrest as a company to quickly dispell all of this false hope that has been plastered over dozens of Mac sites and is being discussed on all the forums to help current sales.

So, wouldn't the action or lack of action Apple takes on the G5 rumors be an indication of the G5's existence or non-existence?

I don't see any articles being dropped due to Apple legal, (don't know if they would have articles removed) so does that mean anything?

Dunno, but I want a G5 in Jan, and I hope we start getting some leaks from different sources other than the one mole


  • Reply 1 of 8
    all this rhyming of threads about G5:

    truth, proof...

    what's next?

    Oh, I got it! The G5 enclosure will be shaped like a big, pearly white TOOTH!

    you heard it here first folks.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    i'd rather have a thoroughly refined G5 in July rather than one not as refined in january
  • Reply 3 of 8
    Well Apple cannot lie, so if the G5 is coming out in Jan., they cannot deny it. But they could easily say the rumors are false, as in, they don't have all the details correct.

    Thing is, Apple doesn't normally do much about written info, it's the pictures that have gotten people in trouble. I guess that just proves that Macs are more about style than function

    As for refined G5 vs. "unrefined" G5: I don't think Apple would sell G5 powermacs unless they had all the bugs and glitches worked out. It's not like Apple is going to sell them while knowing that they overheat after 5 hrs continuous use. That wouldn't go over very well in public.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    Jonathan said:


    Oh, I got it! The G5 enclosure will be shaped

    like a big, pearly white TOOTH!


    no, they already used that case design for the G3 AIO.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    [quote] Oh, I got it! The G5 enclosure will be shaped like a big, pearly white TOOTH! <hr></blockquote>

    In other words, we're about to see a revival of the molar-shaped pre-iMac G3 All-In-One. Hmmmm. I wonder if the buying public will understand the joke?
  • Reply 6 of 8
  • Reply 7 of 8
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    [quote]Originally posted by Max8319:

    <strong>i'd rather have a thoroughly refined G5 in July rather than one not as refined in january</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The only thing Apple is selling well now is the iBook. G4 sales are somewhat stable.. the rest is iffy will iMac is tanking.

    The original G4 was a hack, at best. I wouldn't expect anything less from Apple for a rev.1 G5. Thats why you always, ALWAYS get a rev.2 Apple machine no matter how cool it is.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    enderender Posts: 353member
    Well, maybe not ALWAYS.

    Consider the rev A Titanium Powerbooks vs. the rev b Titanium Powerbooks.

    I would consider the rev a to have been a better purchase at that time, than a rev b is at this time. I got a rev a in early Feb (500 MHz) and my machine is still somewhat faster (according to some real world benchmarks, for whatever they are worth) in many tasks than the rev b 550.

    In other words, it wouldn't have been worth 7 months of not having a PowerBook to me to get the small added benefits of the new PBs. Maybe a Quake 3 player would argue with me, however The Rage Mobility really sucks!

    I guess what it really boils down to is trading time for added benefit later, when considering two revisions of a similarly priced computer.

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